Planning Commission Work Session March 28, 2022

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session

Monday, March 28, 2022

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairman; Jay Loman, Trustee, Robert Lindert, Trustee; Joe Bollech, Trustee; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Linnea Barron, Secretary.  Absent:  Dorothy Nankervis, will be resigning.

Pledge of Allegiance:  The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Agenda:  Approval of minutes from last work session differed until next meeting.  Review goals and objectives.  Time frame for finishing the Master Plan.

Goal #1:  Natural Resources and Character.  Arvon Township will encourage development that seeks to preserve, protect and perpetuate the Township’s natural resources.  The township will take proactive measure to protect and preserve its rural character.    Objectives:  1.  Something on blight without stating blight, such as to show pride in enhancing the visual appearance of properties.  2.  Research steps to become a dark skies international community.  3.  Objective from Marquette township (objective 1.9) about care of sensitive environmental areas.  4.  The strategy will identify those uses which are most appropriate for Arvon Township based on renewable resources such as forestry and tourism, continue to encourage businesses that have demonstrated responsibility towards the environment.  5.  Improve signage at entrance to Arvon Township and to various points of interest, i.e., cemetaries, township park, waterfalls.

Goal #2:  Transportation.  The township will continue to work with Baraga County and within the township to enhance the travel patterns and accessibility of all users throughout the township.  Objectives:  1.  County roadways will continue to be maintained and future uses will be considered when decisions involving long term maintenance are concerned.  2.  The township will continue to work with Baraga County Road Commission to decide the best course of action for the local road system.  3.  Provide additional support for motorized and non-motorized access and trail connectivity in area, where and when feasible. (from objective 2.15 from Marquette township.  4.  Active investigation into better dust control methods.

Goal #3:  Recreation.  Recreational opportunities for residents and visitors will be enhanced by improving the variety and amount of recreational resources without negatively impacting the natural environment.  Objectives:  1.  Improve access to natural features where applicable, better roads.  2.  Investigate dark skies designation.  3.  Build large dock for handicap accessibility for fishing at the township park, and better lighting on dock.  4.  Utilize the property Arvon Township owns next to Witz Marina for a kayak launch and possibly handicap accessible.  5.  Possible grants for playground equipment at the township park, fencing around ballpark.  6.  Provide the public information on where campgrounds exist, bike trail information, ORV trails, vacation rentals, dining information, fuel and groceries; perhaps a brochure.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting will be after our quarterly meeting, for an hour.  That will be April 13, 2022, 6 p.m. at the firehall.

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, Bob seconded the motion.  The motion carried and adjourned at 8 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary
