Township Board Meeting Minutes October 2, 2023

CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on October 2, 2023.
ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Krystal Eliason-Treasurer, Robert Janda-Trustee.
MINUTES APPROVAL: Eliason motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the September 11, 2023 minutes. All in favor, motion passed.
AGENDA APPROVAL: Eliason motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the agenda. All in favor, motion passed.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Bette Gabe requests that the agenda have 2 public comments, one in the beginning and one at the end.
-Linnea Barron let the township board know that she is retiring from the Planning Commission as of October 1, 2023. The township board decided to leave the members as they are for now. There will be 5 members until spring when Donna Preston returns home from wintering there will be 6 members.
OLD BUSINESS: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to approved Keith Erickson as the replace of Chris Wahmhoff’s position as township trustee. All in favor, motion passed. Erickson will sit on the board October 2, 2023 meeting.
-After discussion, the township board will look for a new township attorney. Fish will drive to Tinti’s office and pick up all the township papers. Fish asks for mileage. Marinich motioned, seconded by Janda to approve looking for a new attorney and mileage reimbursement. All in favor, motion passed.
-K&N Contractors is the only one that bid on the township hall restoration. The bid was $47,850.00. Would take approximately a month to finish and they will start first thing in the spring. After going through the bid, the board decided that the there needs to be more details. Marinich will contact K&N for a more detailed bid. This will be tabled until next months meeting.
-Homestead Graphics quote for 2 Skanee cemetery signs- $50.00 each, one Welcome to Skanee sign- $450.00, one Welcome to Arvon Twp sign-$450.00 and 1 Aura sign-$200.00. Janda motioned, seconded by Eliasion to approve the signs. All in favor, motion passed.
-Strohshein let the board know that flood insurance is based out of Maryland and is expensive for people that have a mortgage. The planning commission will have this issue on their October 11th meeting. The planning commission is also requesting a Recreation Commission.
-Marinich and Eliason let the board know that $60,000.00 was taken out of the General Fund and put into a 15 month 4.9% CD. After discussion, Erickson motioned, seconded by Janda to put another $300,000.00 into a 5 month CD. All in favor, motion passed. Mills was present at the meeting and asked if the board would be willing to put the Road Fund money into a CD since the money won’t be used until 2025. Erickson motioned, seconded by Janda to approve putting the Road Fund money into a higher rate CD. All in favor, motion passed.
NEW BUSINESS: Jim Nankervis will be surveying the Skanee Cemetery. Marinich will contact him to see what he will need.
-Bill Menge let Fish know that the Marquette Twp. Supervisor told him that Marquette County cannot maintain the Mouth of the Huron. Menge is willing to talk to the Marquette Council about Arvon township taking it over.
-Marinich requests keeping the Skanee Township hall open for the winter due to a February 2024 election. There is an exercise group that would also like to see it stay open. Erickson motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve it open for winter. All in favor, motion passed.
-Plowing the access site and township park will be tabled until next months meeting.
JAMES FEDIE: Fedie let the board know he had training. Also the Skanee school will be proposing from 11% to 13% school millage in the up coming election.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Eliason gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report. General Fund-$319,780.37
Ambulance/EMT Fund-$20,768.06 Fire Fund-$304,818.13 Liquor Fund-$1,011.57, Road Fund-$171,330.46.
Erickson motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion passed.
BILL APPROVAL: Janda motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve the bills. All in favor, motion passed.
NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting date will be November 6, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.
ADJOURN: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to adjourn at 7:15 P.M. All in favor, motion passed.
Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk
