Township Board Meeting Minutes May 2021


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on May 3, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Marinich will correct the Minutes header from May 3, 2021 to April 5, 2021.  With the April 5, 2021 minutes correction, Larson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the April 5, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL:  Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Lyle Olsen presented himself as the new Commissioner of District 4.  He let the board know if there are ever any concerns, he would be there to try and find the answer. 

-A meeting will be held on May 6, 2021 at the L’Anse Tourist Center at 6:00 p.m. for public comments on ORV trails.  Wahmhoff is working with the GPS and drones.  This will be tabled until next month’s meeting.

-Public wanted to know about the branding funds we donated to L’Anse.

-Linnea Barron let the board know that the Planning Commission is in need of members.  She would like to see a 7 member board.  Loman has been absent for a few meetings, but would still like to stay on the board.  Marinich will put an ad in the paper for 2 members vacancy.   

-Gabe asked who was on the Board of Appeals.  Pam Nankervis, Kay Erickson, Jerry Hollon, Jay Fish and Jay Loman.

-Joanne Erickson asked if it was fine to start the new fire hall project.  The board said it was already approved, so Whitman Construction can start the bathrooms and stairs.

-Ken Anderson let the board know that the Board of Appeals will have to hold a public meeting the later part of June.  The Elmblad Brothers will site prep this year and they will build next year a RV and boat storage unit 40 X 60 and a 40 X 80 storage units building.  They will need to get a special use permit, advertise and letters sent out the adjoining land owners.  

OLD BUSINESS:  Royal Lawn Care’s bid of $3,000.00 was the only bid for the Skanee Cemetery clean up.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to approve Royal Lawn care.  All in favor, motion passed.

-ORV program will be tabled until Wahmhoff and Fish attend the ORV meeting in L’Anse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEW BUSINESS: Larson motioned, second by Wahmhoff to approve the Township insurance renewal.  All in favor, motion passed. 

JAMES FEDIE:  Fedie let the board know that the Keweenaw Land Trust attended the Board of Review in March.   There were 13 Veterans exemptions in Arvon Township.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Larson gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$301,823.03 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$38,208.32 Fire Fund-$232,139.02 Liquor Fund-$614.14, Road Fund-$63,995.75. Marinich motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.                                                                                                                                                                        

NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be June 7, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to adjourn at 6:45 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk
