Planning Commission Work Session

May 18, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 7:30 pm EDT

The Planning Commission will meet to review the results of the Recreation Survey and public input. The projects for Arvon Township’s 5-year Recreation Plan will be discussed.

The meeting will be held in the Arvon Township Park, near the Boat Launch, weather permitting. If the weather is not cooperative, the meeting will be held in the Town Hall.

Arvon Township Boat Launch/Park

Recreation Plan Public Input Session

May 3, 2023 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm EDT

Join interested community members as we take input on the Recreation Plan. The Planning Commission wants to hear your ideas about recreational opportunities in Arvon Township. We will review the results of the survey done in March and April and allow time for plenty of public input.

The Historic Arvon Town Hall

20986 Erickson Rd
Skanee, Michigan 49962 United States
+ Google Map

Planning Commission work Session March 23, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board ofReview; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair.  Absent:  Bob Janda, Board Representative; and Donna Preston, Trustee; both absent with notice.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy

Approval of Agenda:  Joe made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Robert.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of March 16, 2023 work session:  Robert made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.


1.  Recreation Plan Survey update:

Joe made a collection box for surveys to be dropped off and is located at the town hall.  We sent a total of 500 surveys.  The Survey Monkey is on Facebook and township’s website.  There is a problem with the website and Nancy will work on that.  Nancy reported she has already received some surveys back. 

2.  Recreation Plan update from Jason:

We reviewed the updated sections of our recreation plan.  We like the new map and suggest using a map legend that is color coded to show what we own and what we don’t own, plus identify our main attractions. 

Tonight, we concentrated on the goals & objectives and 5-year work plan. 

Goal #6:  We eliminated goal #6 but kept the objectives and transferred them to goal #4.  The goals were similar, and we felt the objectives fit better under goal #4. 

Goal #7 will now become goal #6.

Under Goal #2 we will add the possibility to mitigate dust control for certain trails.

5-Year Work Plan:  Jason discussed the action plan for projects.  Our goals/objectives will guide us on these.  We could choose a project for every year.  Examples:  2024 – redo the baseball field and get cost estimate.  2025 – kayak launch by Witz Marina on property we own.  The information we obtain from the survey and public hearing will assist us in this.  The deadline to apply for grants is April 1 of every year.  This plan can be amended but must repeat the whole process again, i.e., 30-day review, public hearing.

Timeline for Recreation Plan:  The in-person input session is set for Thursday, May 4, 2023.  If conflict with date, will change it.  We are trying for completion of the rec plan draft by June 1, 2023 and 30-day review begins.  We are trying for a public hearing in July with board approval in August.

3.  Zoning Ordinance

The Zoning Administrator (ZA) and building inspector positions need to be filled.  Chris Wahmhoff, a trustee with the Township Board, stated he would be interested becoming the ZA.  There may be a conflict with his position on the board, but in rural areas that may be overlooked when it is hard to find someone to fill certain positions.  Jay expressed interest in the building inspector position and even considers the ZA.  Both positions require certification via training.

We discussed the article from the MTA on using a municipal civil infraction to enforce nuisance, zoning and building code violations.  Jason explained this very well and we need to implement this in our ordinance.

Before adjourning, Nancy polled each of us as to how many surveys (paper and on-line) we think will be returned by April 30th.   We had some optimistic numbers!!

Next meeting:  Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the firehall.

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jay.  Motion carried.  Adjournment was at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Work Session March 16, 2023

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Trustee; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson.  Absent with notice:  Jay Loman, Donna Preston.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Approval of Agenda:  Bob made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Robert.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes from March 9, 2023 work session:  Joe made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.

Agenda:  This work session was dedicated to printing out the recreation plan survey (500 copies), cross-referencing the addresses on the resident list with the homestead list as there were duplicates, applying the addresses to the envelopes and stamping them.   This process took three hours, and we were happy to have Sue Bollech to assist us.  Nancy will take these to the post office.  Joe is making a collection box for participants to drop off their survey at the township hall.

Next meeting:  Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the firehall.

Adjourn:  Joe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.  Adjournment at 9 p.m.

Planning Commission Work Session March 9, 2023

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Call to Order:  6:30 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Trustee; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson.  Absent:  Jay Loman with notice; Donna Preston, with notice.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy, by phone.

Approval of Agenda:  Robert made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes from February 16, 2023 meeting:  The topic of noise ordinance was added to the agenda and discussed.  Therefore, Joe made a motion to approve the minutes with the addition of noise ordinance in the agenda, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.


1.  Recreation Plan.

A.  Jason McCarthy joined us via phone for this meeting to go over the recreation plan.  Changes were made to the sections Introduction, Community Description and Administrative Structure as requested.

 In section, Arvon Township Recreation Inventory, it was felt a map indicating the township waterfront parcels and other points of our recreation inventory would be helpful.  Jason agreed and has already planned for this.  We also requested that the Huron River information should go under the title Additional Area Recreational Facilities.  Also, under this title we changed the description of the first sentence of Silver River Boat Launch Site to read; Silver River Boat Launch is near the corner of Skanee and Townline Roads.  Jason will work on the description for Aura Town Hall & Ball Field.  The Town Hall is the site of the Aura Jamboree, a well-attended event in the summer.  Under Big Erik’s Bridge & Campground the addition of noting outhouses and a popular place for steelhead fishing was suggested.  A sentence was removed from the Old Ravine River Cemetery and correction of typos. 

The section, Description of the Planning Process, was explained by Jason.  He went into detail on how the “system” planning method works. 

Section, Description of the Public Input Process: The Community Survey, paper and on-line, will start mid-March and end on April 30.  We have a tentative date for the Early Public Input of Thursday, May 4, 2023.

B.  Goals and Objectives:  Jason proposed seven goals and objectives.  Jason stated that they are general but detailed.  The Michigan State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) was utilized in these goals and objectives and adapted for Arvon Township’s needs.  He pointed out that each goal had a word emphasizing the purpose of the goal.   Nancy questioned the repetition of trail networks on goal 2 as this subject has been covered by the township with decision against trail networks due to a good portion would travel on Skanee Road and be too dangerous, or on side roads causing extreme dust conditions for residents.  The township is not against trail networks if alternative routes could be established.  Jason commented that purchase of easements from landowners for trails is a possibility.  On goals 6 and 7, Nancy stated that the objectives did not seem to project the goal.  Jason will reword these two.

C.  Survey.

Jason suggested some changes to the survey, remove the question on gender and how often one recreates.  We agreed to remove #4 on gender, but decided to keep question on how often one recreates.  We would like a header for the survey.  Jason will add a statement at the end of the survey stating people can photocopy the paper survey if multiple people want to participate.

We have a budget of $700 for the survey.  Jim Fedie has supplied the addresses for the paper survey.  There are duplicates and businesses that we need to eliminate to get the number down to 500.  Nancy had a question if too many addresses, can we pick and choose who to send to.  Jason will investigate that with MTA attorney.

Jason explained how the Survey Monkey works.  We plan to print, label and stuff envelopes at the next meeting.

D.  Review schedule. 

Survey dates of mid-March to April 30.  In-person input session set for Thursday, May 4, 2023.  Results of survey and input session will be used in the Goals and Objectives and Action Plan.  Tentative date for public hearing is June or July with final adoption in August or September.

E.  Next work session set for Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 6 p.m. with Jason in attendance.

2.  Zoning Ordinance

A.  Chris Wahmhoff, Trustee on Township Board, has agreed to be the Zoning Administrator (ZA) after receiving the education necessary for the job.  We need to check with MTA if he can serve as ZA and on the Board.

B.  Nancy read an article from MTA on enforcing ordinances.   The article changed violating an ordinance from a misdemeanor to a municipal civil infraction with procedures to follow including sending a letter to violator, possible appearance in court with a judge to determine outcome.  Jason was aware of this recommendation and strongly suggests that we adopt this approach in the updated ordinance.  We will have to make sure the duties of the ZA are clearly defined in the updated ordinance.

Next meeting date will be Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the firehall.  We will be printing surveys, addressing and stuffing envelopes.  Jason will be at this meeting and go through the next steps in the survey results, Goals and Objectives, and Action plan.

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe.  All approved and motion carried.  Adjournment at 7:55 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

MARCH 30, 2022
CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Jay Fish called the March 30, 2022 Annual/Budget meeting to order
that was held at the Skanee Fire Hall at 5:00 P.M.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk,
Robert Janda-Trustee, Chris Wahmhoff-Trustee.
ROLL CALL: Taken at 5:00 p.m.
MARCH 30, 2021 MINUTES APPROVAL: Kay Erickson motioned, seconded by Linnea Barron to
approve the minutes of the March 30, 2021 meeting. All in favor, motion passed.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Janda, to approve the Agenda. All in
favor, motion passed.
SUPERVISOR’S TOWNSHIP UPDATE: Supervisor Fish explained that the township has secured
approximately $45,000.00 in covid money, gave Bay Ambulance $15,000.00 towards a new
ambulance, purchased a new printer for $945.00. Also hired K&N Contracting to finish the bathroom
stalls and stairs for storage above the bathrooms in the new fire hall, total was $10,128.00. Hired
Tikky’s Tree service to remove 2 trees and 63 stumps from the cemetery. Royal Lawn Care cleaned up
the Skanee Cemetery.
TOWNSHIP HALL MAINTENANCE: No hall maintenance was done this fiscal year.
DEPOSITORY: Kay Erickson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to stay with Superior National Bank
and Baraga Co. Credit Union as the Township depositories. All in favor, motion passed.
SALARY APPROVAL: The Supervisor’s yearly salary currently is $8,750.00, the Clerk and
Treasurer’s yearly salary is $10,250.00 and the Trustees is $100.00 per meeting. The cost of living and
the work increase that the elected township officials have, a 5% increase yearly was brought up. Kay
Erickson motioned, seconded by Sue Bollech to approve the yearly 5% increase. Supervisor $9,187.00
yearly, Clerk and Treasurer $10,762.00 yearly and the Trustees $105.00 per meeting. All in favor,
motion passed.
are at 6:00 P.M. At the Skanee Fire Hall. Sue Bollech motioned, seconded by Kay Erickson to leave it
the same. All in favor, motion passed.
MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATES: Linnea Barron motioned, seconded by Kay Erickson to
approve the Federal Government rate per mile for reimbursement. All in favor, motion passed.
seconded by Sue Bollech to leave the downstairs and upstairs of the Town Hall from to $150.00 each
and leave the deposit fee for alcohol at $100.00. Rental of the Fire Hall remains $50.00 and a $100.00
deposit for alcohol. The Fire hall rental will be free to all Fire Dept members. All in favor, motion
CEMETERY LOT FEES: Sue Bollech motioned to keep the cemetery lot fees to $400.00 for a full lot
and a half lot $250.00 for the taxpayers of Arvon Township. All in favor, motion passed.
CEMETERY CLEAN UP: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to bid out the Skanee cemetery
clean up again this year. All in favor, motion passed. Marinich will put an add in paper for bids in the
next weeks paper.
currently is $15.00/hr with paid lunch. Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to increase it to
$20.00/hr with paid lunch. All in favor, motion passed. The Election Chairperson wage currently is
$15.50/hr and the election workers wage is $15.00/hr, with paid lunches of $10.00 each. Marinich
motioned, seconded by Eliason to increase the Chairperson to $22.00/hr and election workers $20.00/hr
with all paid lunches of $10.00. All in favor, motion passed. The Zoning/Planning Commission and
Zoning Board of Appeals chairperson and secretary wage is currently $65.00 per meeting, and the
Zoning Board members are currently $50.00 per meeting. Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to
increase the chairperson and secretary to $80.00 per meeting and the board members to $65.00 per
meeting. All in favor, motion passed. Any training for the Board of Review, Zoning Boards or the
Election Board will be paid $25.00 for a half day (up to 4 hours) and $50.00 for a full day (over 4
hours) plus mileage. The Zoning Administrator will remain at $200.00 a month. All in favor, motion
ANNUAL MEETING ADJOURNMENT: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Marinich to adjourn the
Annual meeting at 5:45 P.M. All in favor, motion passed.
BUDGET MEETING: Supervisor Jay Fish called the 2021-2022/2022-2023 Budget meeting to order at
5:45 P.M. at the Township Fire Hall. After the board read through the revised budget, Marinich
motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the revised budget of 2021-2022. All in favor, motion

  • After the board read through the Budget of 2022-2023, Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Marinich
    to approve the 2022-2023 Budget. All in favor, motion passed.
    TOWNSHIP BILL APPROVAL: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve paying the
    bills. All in favor, motion passed.
    ADJOURNMENT: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to adjourn the Budget meeting at 6:05
    P.M. All in favor, motion passed.
    Lisa M. Marinich Arvon Township Clerk

Arvon Township Recreation Plan

The Planning Commission is updating our Recreation Plan, which will allow Arvon Township to apply for grants to improve our recreation opportunities. Check back here during the spring and summer for updates on this important process.

We are currently looking for input from residents and property owners on what areas and activities you would like to see in our township. We already have several outdoor recreation areas, and are looking for input as to how we can improve these and possibly add more.

Surveys were mailed on Monday, March 20. If you didn’t get one or would like to submit your input electronically, you can use this link for our on-line survey.

Responses will be collected until early May 2023.

We are planning a public input session at the Arvon Town Hall on Wednesday, May 3 at 6 PM. Please join us!

Planning Commission Work Session February 16, 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Trustee; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairman; Jay Loman, absent with notice; Donna Preston, absent with notice.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  None.

Approval of Agenda:  Bob made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Robert.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of January 24, 2023 meeting:  Robert made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.


1.  Recreation Plan:  We reviewed the first three sections, Introduction, Community Description, and Administrative Structure, in the proposed plan with the changes that Jason made.  We still feel the map on page 2, Figure 2, could be larger or just different from map, Figure 1. 

The new sections we reviewed were:  Recreation Inventory; Description of the Planning Process; and Description of the Public Input Process.  In the Recreation Inventory, we removed Roland Lake from the inventory as we do not own it and placed this site under possible new category, Other Natural Resources.  Also in this section under the Arvon Township Waterfront Parcels we would list only the 34 acres of undeveloped Lake Superior frontage property, the 38-acre parcel near Vicks Point and the 100-foot strip of property at Witz Marina as properties that we own.  The Witz Marina, trails and rustic camping at Pointe Abbaye and the area managed by the Keweenaw Land Trust at Lightfoot Bay would be listed under Other Natural Resources.  In the Description of the Public Input Process, we changed the order so that the Community Survey would be the first step for us followed by the Early Public Input, next would be the 30-day Review Period and closing with the Public Hearing & Resolution of Adoption.

We also noted some minor typos that need to be corrected.

Other Recreation Resources include:  Roland Lake, Point Abbaye, Witz Marina, Silver River access, Big Erick’s campground, Lightfoot Bay Nature Reserve, Aura Town Hall and Ballfield, Skanee cemetery and Ravine River cemetery, Arvon Township historical museum.  Natural features include:  Waterfalls (Silver River Falls, Quartzite Falls, Letherby Falls), the slate quarry, mouth of the Huron River and Mount Arvon.

The survey, paper and on-line version, was reviewed in detail.  On #4 to save some room on the survey we combined some recreations.  We eliminated question #10 as unnecessary.  We set the date, May 8, 2023, as the person input session.  Tentative date of May 16, 2023 set for work session.  Tentative date for public hearing in June with final board approval at July 10, 2023 township board meeting.  Completed recreation plan set for August.

2.  Zoning Ordinance.

The need for a noise ordinance was brought up with a recent incident that occurred.  This would involve airB&B’s, short-term rentals, etc. 

Adjourn:  Nancy made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.  Work session ended at 7;50 p.m.

Next meeting:  Thursday, March 2, 2023, tentative.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary
