Planning Commission Work Session November 9, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session
Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep), Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair), Donna Preston – Absent with notice, Ken Anderson (Zoning Administrator) –
Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jason McCarthy expected to attend in person
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Jay, Second: Bob
Approval of minutes of October 19, 2023 Work Session: Motion: Bob, Second: Joe
I. Recreation Plan
A. Status from Jason – Need completed plan to publish and print.

  • Jason will need to set up an account with the State DNR so we can upload the
    plan then apply for grants. Nancy will be the point person for this account.
    Jason still needs to add all the appendices, which he does have, then it will
    be complete. Nancy asked him to have it to her by 11/27/23 so it can be
    posted on the website and printed.
    B. Comments not part of Rec Plan – No action taken yet
  • Same
    C. Comment from resident via Donna Preston about kayak park location
  • Donna sent us all an email with a suggestion from a resident to put the kayak
    park at the township park, instead of at the undeveloped strip of land near
    Wtiz’ Marina. Although that makes sense for access, the beach at the
    proposed new site is much better. This project is a 2025 project. We will
    want the Recreation Committee to look into this.
    D. Recreation Committee – Update from request to board on November 6, 2023
  • Nancy provided the document that was used for discussion at the board
    meeting, which listed the names of the volunteers. The board did not take
    action on this request. Jason clarified that he recommends 5 people on the
    Rec Cte, not 7. There may be a public act that requires a Rec Cte. He will
    look into this. He suggests the committee meets 4 times a year and has
    diversity of age and skills.
    II. Ordinance Update – Led by Jason
    A. New definitions – Incorporation into districts
  • Discussed mobile homes; we want to allow them because it adds tax value to
    the township.
  • General residential will be the only district to allow duplexes and multi-family
  • Short term rentals will be permitted everywhere except General Residential
    where it will be permitted with special conditions. In all districts it will
    require a permit.
  • Shipping containers are an accessory use, not principal use.
  • Discussed sauna buildings being put under same conditions as outdoor wood
  • Discussed principal use versus accessory uses.
    B. Other topics per Jason’s guidance
    III. Next meetings
    A. December 7th 2023: Planning Commission work session
    B. 2024 quarterly meetings will be moved to Thursdays. The incorrect dates were
    listed for April and October in the previous agenda. Below are the correct dates.
  • January 11
  • April 11
  • July 11
  • October 10
    Adjourn – Motioned by Jay, seconded by Robert. Adjourned @ 7:15pm