Work Session Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 26 2024 at 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair)
Joe Bollech (Board of Review)
Bob Janda (Board Rep)
Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary)
Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair) – Absent w/ notice
Donna Preston
Buddy Sweeney (Zoning Admin)
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jason McCarthy attended via phone call.
Approval of Agenda: Donna motioned, Robert seconded with the change of moving the
ordinance discussion to the front of the list.
Approval of minutes of May 15, 2024: Donna motioned, Bob seconded
I. Ordinance Update
A. Specific comments from Buddy for discussion.
B. Review of entire revised ZO by planning commission members. Consolidate
updates on one paper copy. – Spent the entire hour running through section by section
and correcting any errors we encountered.
C. Final steps for ZO update
- Receive final compiled document – Jason to provide after PC review of entire
document before next meeting. Jason will update the table of contents and
make sure all hyperlinks work. - Publication on website – We need to provide at least 30 days access to the
updated version before the public hearing. - Notice in paper (verbiage from Jason) – Target 45 days’ notice and include a
summary of major changes in paper. Possibly publish in early July. - Summary of changes – Jason will provide this for the public hearing.
- Print copies for public input session.
- Schedule public hearing – Probably in August
- Jason to attend hearing and present to the public.
- Resolutions from Jason.
II. Chairman Comments
A. Comments from June 3rd board meeting – Nancy did not attend. Nothing worth
III. Recreation Committee/Plan
A. Jay Loman – Any conversation with Scott Lloyd? - Jay was absent. Tabled this.
B. Jason McCarthy – Info sent to Lisa Marinich? - Jason left by this time. Tabled this as well.
IV. Next meetings
A. Planning Commission Work Session: July 17th, @ 6:00pm
B. Township Board Meeting: Monday, July 1st, @ 6:00pm
C. Planning Commission Quarterly Meetings - Thursday, July 11
- Thursday, October 10
Adjourn: Robert motioned, Joe seconded. 7:05pm