Planning Commission Qtly Meeting Minutes, October 10, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call – Present Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech, Bob Janda (Township Board Rep)
Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Zoning Board of Appeals Chair)
Donna Preston, John Salsbury- Absent with Notice, Buddy Sweeney (Zoning Administrator)
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Approval of Agenda: Bob motioned, Donna seconded
Approval of minutes of July 11, 2024 Quarterly Meeting: Jay motioned, Bob seconded.
Chairman Comments:

  1. Welcome John Salsbury as newest PC member.
  2. Notes from Monday 10/7 Board Meeting
    a. Nancy gave an in-depth update from the meeting. Board meeting minutes are
    available on website or in office.
  3. PC Member terms:
    a. Joe Bollech – 1 Year, expires June 2025
    b. Bob Jana – per term on township board
    c. Robert Lindert – 01/03/2022, 3 years, expires 01/03/2025
    d. Jay Loman – Through August 2027
    e. Donna Preston – 10/03/2022, 3 years, expires 10/03/2025
    f. Nancy Strohschein – August 2024, 3 years, expires August 2027
    g. John Salsbury – October 2024, 3 years, expires October 2027
    Old Business:
  4. Planning Commission comments/concerns
    a. Donna wasn’t present at most of our meetings. She would like to be on record
    saying we did a great job.
  5. Bob Janda: Report from Township Board
    a. Reviewed meeting where Zoning Ordinance was adopted.
    b. Made clarifications on blight – we do NOT have a blight ordinance.
  6. Buddy Zoning Update – None
  7. Jay Loman: Report from Zoning Board of Appeals
    a. Jay summarized Elmblad dispute. Nothing we can do because setbacks are
    through EGLE regarding Lake Superior.
  8. Recreation
    a. Lisa has not uploaded the recreation plan to the website yet. Needs more
    information from us.
  9. Updated ZO:
    a. Approve minutes from August 22 2024 public hearing
    i. Jay motioned, Bob seconded.
    New Business:
  10. Posting PC Minutes on website and placing in office files
    a. Robert to print out all minutes he has and leave in Fire Hall for Lisa.
    b. Nancy to fill in with her minutes when Robert was out.
  11. PC Education from the MTA Planning and Zoning Guide
    a. Buddy to present, but he is absent. Pushed to next quarterly meeting.
  12. Set 2025 Quarterly Meeting dates
    a. 2
    nd Thursday in January, April, July, and October.
    Topics for Next Meeting:
  13. PC Education – Part 6 by Buddy
    Upcoming Meetings:
  • Quarterly Meeting January 9
    th 2025 @ 6:00pm
    Adjourn: Robert motioned, Donna seconded. 6:48pm

Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance, August 22, 2024

Call to Order: 6:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance: Done
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair) – Absent with notice, Joe Bollech – Present
Bob Janda (Board Rep) – Present, Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary) – Absent with notice, Jay Loman (Board of Appeals Chair) – Present, Acting Chair
Donna Preston – Present, Acting Secretary

  • Jason McCarthy, Consultant, Northwoods Planning and Zoning
  • Buddy Sweeney, Zoning Administrator
    Arvon Residents Present:
  • Sue Bollech
  • Jason Emblad
  • Jay Emblad
  • Angie Emblad
  • John Salsbury
  • Kathy Salsbury
    Approval of Agenda: Motion by Donna, Second by Bob. Approved
    I. Public Comment on Agenda Items – Public comments will be taken after the
    presentation by Jason McCarthy
    II. Chairman Comments – Acting Chair Jay Loman had no comments
    III. Presentation of revised Zoning Ordinance by Jason McCarthy, Northwoods Planning &
    A. Jason stated the tasks for the Zoning Ordinance update were to update the
    zoning, preserve rural character, address new housing alternatives such as tiny homes,
    geodesic domes and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
    B. There were no changes to maps, except for district names. Live hyperlinks were
    added to provide additional information on line. Language was modernized.
    C. Changes made to each article were discussed by Jason. The most important
    changes were read to the public.
  • Article 2: Definitions for ADU, blight, dark sky lighting, duplex, EMC, fence,
    geodesic dome, greenbelt, High Risk Erosion Areas (HREA), mining, mineral
    extraction, nuisance, recreational structure, Recreational Vehicle (RV),
    shipping containers, Short Term Rental (STR), signs, tiny home, utility building
  • Article 3: Changed to 6 districts. Added STR and tiny homes to be allowed.
    Included 40-foot setback for non-inhabitable structures such as sheds and
  • Articles 4 through 9: No significant changes
  • Article 10: Jason presented changes to Tables 1 & 2
  • Article 12: Added fire safety zone of 10 feet. Defined parking spaces for
    ADU, fence location on property line, outdoor lighting, noise. A new section
    for signs was added. HREA updated to reflect the law. Temporary uses
    better defined. Section 1217 addressed ADUs, cargo containers and shortterm rentals. The changes made to STRs were done to ensure safety to
    everyone who lives or stays in the Township.
  • Article 13: No changes made
  • Article 15: Clerical changes from Board of Appeals to Zoning Board of
    Appeals (ZBA)
  • Articles 15 through 18: No substantial changes. Updated language and
    terminology. Added hyperlinks.
    IV. Public Comment:
    A. John and Kathy Salsbury expressed concern about blight on their street. Jason
    acknowledged their concern and stated that control of blight is not done in the Zoning
    Ordinance, but must be enacted by the Township Board.
    B. Jason Emblad stated the website needs to be clarified about setback
    requirements for utility buildings. The setback from water’s edge is not clear in the
    current Zoning Ordinance. His comments were acknowledged. The updated ZO is
    clearer in this area, since the setback info has been included in the articles instead of
    only in the definition.
    C. Jason Emblad appreciated the section on signs.
    D. Jason Emblad asked about the county road easement which states that no
    building may be done within the 33-foot easement from the center of the road plus 30
    feet from the property line, which means no building can be done within 63 feet of the
    road center line. He asked how long this has been in place. Jay and Buddy answered
    that this has been in place “for a while” and is not new with this Ordinance change or
    the one adopted in 2022.
    E. Jason Emblad asked if STRs are allowed near the fire hall. Jay stated that there
    are STRs on the lake front, but not in the Business District.
    F. Jason Emblad asked how the process for a variance is done. Jason covered the
    steps that involve calling a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA).
    G. The public hearing portion of the meeting concluded at 7:10 PM
    V. Planning Commission discussion
    Motion to proceed to adopt the revised Zoning Ordinance as presented, with minor
    typographical error corrections made by Jay, second by Bob. Roll call vote:
  • Jay Loman: yes
  • Donna Preston: yes
  • Bob Janda: Yes
  • Joe Bollech: Yes
    VI. Define Next Steps:
    A. Inform board that the updated Zoning Ordinance will be presented for their
    adoption at the October, 2024 meeting. The board needs to place a notice in the
    paper to advertise that the revised ZO will be discussed and potentially adopted
    at the October meeting.
    B. Jason will submit to Western Upper Peninsula Planning & Development Region
    office (WUPPDR) for review and comment. They have 30 days to comment.
    C. Jason will complete the document, including table of content and appendices
    and send to Nancy Strohschein for placement on the Arvon Township website.
    D. No other Planning Commission meetings are necessary at this time.
    VII. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Jay, seconded by Donna. Motion approved.
    VIII. Adjourned at 7:15 PM

Planning Commission Qtly Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 6 PM
Call to Order: 6:00 PM
Roll Call:
Present: Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech, Bob Janda (Township Board Rep)
Jay Loman (Zoning Board of Appeals Chair), Donna Preston-Absent with Notice:
Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Buddy Sweeney (Zoning Administrator)
Recognition of visitors: Kathy Salisbury – Bayview Drive
Approval of agenda: Motion by Jay Loman, Second by Bob Janda. Approved.
Approval of minutes from April 10, 2024 quarterly meeting: Motion by Bob, Second by Joe.
Public comments:
Kathy Salsbury stated her concern about property on Bayview Drive that is abandoned,
overrun and should be considered blight. She has researched the state law regarding blighted property.
Chairman Comments:

  1. Fire Hall is again available for meetings.
  2. PC Member terms:
    a. Joe Bollech – 06/04/2016, 4 years, expires 06/04/24. Joe does not wish to renew his
    b. Robert Lindert – 01/03/2022, 3 years, expires 01/03/2025
    c. Jay Loman – ?
    d. Donna Preston – 10/03/2022, 3 years, expires /10/03/2025
    e. Nancy Strohschein – 07/15/2021, 3 years, expires 07/15/2024
    Old Business:
  3. Planning commission comments/concerns: None
  4. Buddy Sweeney: Report from Zoning Administrator: Buddy not present
  5. Bob Janda: Report from Township Board Rep: Nothing to report
  6. Jay Loman: Report from Zoning Board of Appeals: No appeals
  7. Recreation Plan:
    o Nancy asked Lisa to make sure the Rec Plan gets uploaded to the State DNR site.
    o Jay Loman continues to look for an update from Scott Lloyd
    o Possible money for Covid funds for sidewalk, shed, benches and defibrillator at the park
    and Town Hall
    New Business:
  8. PC Education from the MTA Planning and Zoning Guide.
    a. Jay: Part 5, pages 145 – 176: Complete
  9. Zoning Ord:
    a. Receive final draft from Jason: Nancy will send Jason our notes from the last review
    b. Confirm maps
    c. Post of website
    d. Publish in newspaper
    e. Public hearing
    f. Presentation to board
    g. Board adoption
    Topics for Next Meeting:
  10. PC Education – Part 6 by Buddy
    Quarterly Meetings in 2024 are published in the Sentinel
  • Thursday, October 10
    Upcoming meetings:
  • Wednesday, July 17: Planning Commission ZO Work Session
  • Monday, August 5: Township Board Meeting
    Adjourn: Adjourned at 7:05 PM

Planning Commission Quarterly Meeting April, 10, 2024

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep)
Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair)
Donna Preston – Absent with notice, Buddy Sweeney (Zoning Administrator)
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Betty, Whitey
Approval of Agenda: Rob motioned, Joe seconded
Approval of minutes of January 10, 2024 Quarterly Meeting: Jay motioned, Nancy seconded.
Chairman Comments:

  1. Fire Hall meetings move to Town Hall due to light replacement in Fire Hall.
  2. PC Member terms:
    a. Joe Bollech – 06/04/2019, 4 years, expires 06/04/2024
    b. Robert Lindert – 01/03/2022, 3 years, expires 01/03/2025
    c. Jay Loman – ???
    d. Donna Preston – 10/03/2022, 3 years, expires 10/03/2025
    e. Nancy Strohschein – 07/15/2021, 3 years, expires 07/15/2024
    Old Business:
  3. Planning Commission comments/concerns – None
  4. Bob Janda: Report from Township Board – None
  5. Buddy Zoning Update: Lot of phone calls & questions.
    a. Complaints on Mouth of the Huron trailer property:
    i. Trailer has to be 75ft from centerline of road. Can’t do much more.
    Northing in ordinance to back Buddy up.
    ii. Pursuing EGLE about the property.
  6. Jay Loman: Report from Zoning Board of Appeals – All good. Website to be updated.
  7. Recreation
    a. Informal committee is having conversations with Jay Fish.
    b. Comments from Prills re: private cemetery on Sicotte Rd. Will be on the May
    2024 board agenda. Does anyone have contact info?
    c. Info from Nancy Soli on parcel by Witz. Document packet on parcel. Hand off to
    Township Board.
    New Business:
  8. PC Education from the MTA Planning and Zoning Guide
    a. Robert: Part 4, Pages 95-144
  9. Zoning Ord: Plan to complete
    a. Review info from Jason
    b. High level review of entire ZO
    c. Map – Can we denote KLT and NC land?
    i. PC agreed no, we don’t want to include this as it changes too often, not
    zoning related.
    d. Buddy comments: Article 13 Letter F – Recommended removing this line
    Topics for Next Meeting:
  10. PC Education – Part 5 by Jay Loman
    Quarterly Meetings in 2024 are published in the Sentinel
  • Thursday, July 11th
  • Thursday, October 10th
    Upcoming Meetings:
  • April 17th Planning Commission Zoning Ordinance Work Sessions
  • Monday, May 6: Township Board Meeting
    Adjourn: Bob motioned, Robert seconded. 7:15pm

Planning Commission Recreation Committee Open House Meeting, January 31, 2024

Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep), Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair),
Donna Preston – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: 18 in attendance outside of the PC
Approval of Agenda: Bob motioned, Jay seconded
I. Purpose of the meeting
A. Jay discussed this at length with the group.
II. Review of the Recreation Plan
A. Why we have one – Nancy discussed
B. How it was prepared – Nancy discussed
C. What are the proposed projects – Nancy discussed
III. Duties of the Recreation Committee
A. By-Laws – Nancy discussed
B. Meetings – Nancy discussed
C. Public input and direction to Township Board – Nancy discussed
IV. Recreation Committee members
A. Interested persons

  • Scott Lloyd
  • John DeLine
    B. Process for approval
    C. Officers
    V. Upcoming meetings
    A. Planning Commission work sessions
  • January 31st immediately following the Recreation Committee Open House
  • Next meeting TBD
    B. Next Township Board Meeting
  • February 5th at 6pm in the Fire Hall
    C. Planning Commission 2024 Quarterly Meetings at 6pm
  • Wednesday, April 10
  • Thursday, July 11
  • Thursday, October 10
    Adjourn: 7:00pm

Planning Commission Qtrly Meeting, January 10, 2024

Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep), Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair), Donna Preston – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: N/A
Approval of Agenda: Bob motioned, Robert seconded
Approval of minutes of October 11, 2023 Quarterly Meeting: Jay motioned, Bob seconded.
Old Business:

  1. Planning Commission comments/concerns – None
  2. Bob Janda: Report from Township Board – None
  3. Jay Loman: Report from Zoning Board of Appeals – None
  4. Recreation Plan: Final document has been received from Jason. Posted on website. Sent
    to Homestead Graphics for one printed color copy.
    New Business:
  5. PC Education from the MTA Planning and Zoning Guide
    a. Nancy: Part 3 – Reviewed and went through
    b. Robert: Parts 4 – Tabled until next quarterly meeting
  6. Recreation Committee: Open House and Bylaws
    a. Bylaws – No objections, board expected to approve
    b. Print recreation plan copies
    c. Cookies from Ivy for the open house meeting – Committee approved
    d. Agends
    e. Specific people to invite
    f. Newspaper
    g. Arvon Website
    h. Robert to post on Facebook page
    i. Posters – Joe to put up at the Trading Post and The Finns.
    2024 Budget for Rec Plan Programs (projects, meetings, materials, training) – Decided on
    requesting $10k, this gives us up to $30k we can get in State funds for out $10k input.
    FEMA, Flood Maps, Insurance Program: Booklet received from FEMA to township. We are all
    done with our tasks. Nothing left for the Planning Commission to do.
    Adjourn: Nancy Adjourned 7:20pm

Planning Commission Work Session November 9, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session
Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep), Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair), Donna Preston – Absent with notice, Ken Anderson (Zoning Administrator) –
Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jason McCarthy expected to attend in person
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Jay, Second: Bob
Approval of minutes of October 19, 2023 Work Session: Motion: Bob, Second: Joe
I. Recreation Plan
A. Status from Jason – Need completed plan to publish and print.

  • Jason will need to set up an account with the State DNR so we can upload the
    plan then apply for grants. Nancy will be the point person for this account.
    Jason still needs to add all the appendices, which he does have, then it will
    be complete. Nancy asked him to have it to her by 11/27/23 so it can be
    posted on the website and printed.
    B. Comments not part of Rec Plan – No action taken yet
  • Same
    C. Comment from resident via Donna Preston about kayak park location
  • Donna sent us all an email with a suggestion from a resident to put the kayak
    park at the township park, instead of at the undeveloped strip of land near
    Wtiz’ Marina. Although that makes sense for access, the beach at the
    proposed new site is much better. This project is a 2025 project. We will
    want the Recreation Committee to look into this.
    D. Recreation Committee – Update from request to board on November 6, 2023
  • Nancy provided the document that was used for discussion at the board
    meeting, which listed the names of the volunteers. The board did not take
    action on this request. Jason clarified that he recommends 5 people on the
    Rec Cte, not 7. There may be a public act that requires a Rec Cte. He will
    look into this. He suggests the committee meets 4 times a year and has
    diversity of age and skills.
    II. Ordinance Update – Led by Jason
    A. New definitions – Incorporation into districts
  • Discussed mobile homes; we want to allow them because it adds tax value to
    the township.
  • General residential will be the only district to allow duplexes and multi-family
  • Short term rentals will be permitted everywhere except General Residential
    where it will be permitted with special conditions. In all districts it will
    require a permit.
  • Shipping containers are an accessory use, not principal use.
  • Discussed sauna buildings being put under same conditions as outdoor wood
  • Discussed principal use versus accessory uses.
    B. Other topics per Jason’s guidance
    III. Next meetings
    A. December 7th 2023: Planning Commission work session
    B. 2024 quarterly meetings will be moved to Thursdays. The incorrect dates were
    listed for April and October in the previous agenda. Below are the correct dates.
  • January 11
  • April 11
  • July 11
  • October 10
    Adjourn – Motioned by Jay, seconded by Robert. Adjourned @ 7:15pm

Planning Commission Public Hearing on Recreation Plan September 7, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Public Hearing for Recreation Plan

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 PM

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chair; Linnea Barron, Secretary, Bob Janda, Township Board Representative Robert Lindert, Vice Chair; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair.  Absent:  Joe Bollech with notice.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited.

Introductions/Guests:  Jason McCarthy, consultant; John and Kathy Salisbury; Jay Fish, Township Supervisor.

Approval of Agenda:  Jay made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan introduction by Jason.

            Jason highlighted from the recreation plan that the Arvon Township Recreation Plan (2024-2028) serves as a road map to the future regarding recreation planning and development within the community.  The plan’s primary focus is to ensure that quality recreational opportunities are available for users of all ages and abilities. Recreation provision in Arvon Township is a key component of community planning, as it serves as a benchmark for how residents and visitors view their quality of life.  The plan includes an introduction to what this plan is and why we need it, how to use the plan, and funding.  Contents include a community description, administrative structure, recreation inventory, description of the planning process, description of the public input process, goals and objectives and action plan.  Each area has its importance in developing a recreation plan as the information obtained assists in exploring what Arvon Township already possesses, what the community would like in recreation and how to accomplish it.  The recreation plan is necessary and includes all the components required to obtain grants for future projects. 

            Jason stated how the process began with reviewing the old recreation plan (2012-2016), updating information, improving maps, reviewing all the recreational opportunities already in place, setting up a community survey, a community input session, followed by goals and objectives and an action plan.  Paper surveys were sent to around 500 residents/landowners, plus an on-line monkey survey was available.  There were about 107 responses, about a quarter of the population, which Jason stated was very good.  The survey results were compiled and presented at a public input session on May 3, 2023.  From the input session, the goals and objectives were developed, and an action plan set up for the next five years.  The first two years in the action plan focus on the Arvon Township Park, but Jason added that any of the projects can be moved around to a different date depending on need.  Jason stressed how this recreation plan is resident generated. 

            Funding for projects can be through grants, local in-kind participation, community funding, or the possibility of millage funding.  The timeline for most grants is the application needs to be submitted by February 1 and the deadline is April 1.  If a grant is obtained it would be for the following year.  Most grants do a matching fund of 75% to 25%.  Important components in a recreation plan are to prioritize improvements and to use it as a road map for recreation opportunities.

            The survey also included a question if anyone was interested in volunteering to be on a recreation committee for Arvon Township.  There was a surprising response of fifteen people interested.  This will be followed up on in the future.

            In closing, Jason mentioned that he has applied to be the Zoning Administrator for our township and could help with grant applications.

II.  Process of Updating the Recreation Plan

            Nancy felt Jason covered the process well and had a few questions.  If donations are obtained from some source, does that count as 25% of the township’s part?  Jason said yes it does. 

            Another question Nancy had was reference to reviewing the plan annually.  Jason clarified that it is helpful each year to see what has been done, grant application, what project is being worked on, etc.  This could be done at budget planning time or at the first quarterly meeting of the year.

III.  Public Comment on the plan.

            Jay Fish commented he liked the simplicity of the plan, it does not change the footprint of Arvon Township.  Projects are scaled to the rural community.  Jay made an additional comment that Lyme pulled their signs indicating permission on their properties.  This has to do with the paperwork is incomplete and affects surrounding property owners, so the signs are down for now.

            Cathy Salisbury asked if the approved plan will be accessible to all residents.  Jason stated the cost of printing is high, but there are a few copies available.  The best way to access the recreation plan is on the Arvon Township’s website, which is

            Bob asked Jason how much he would charge for working on grant applications.  Jason may become our zoning administrator and the administrative cost in grant application comes out of the grant program, usually 15%.

            Donna asked if the Township Board needs to approve a recreation committee at this upcoming meeting.  Jason felt it was not necessary at this time, perhaps at budget time.

IV.  Consideration of any changes. 


V.  Approval by Planning Commission – Roll Call Vote.

            Nancy Strohschein – yes

            Bob Janda – yes

            Robert Lindert – yes

            Jay Loman – yes

            Donna Preston – yes

            Linnea Barron – yes

VI.  Next steps:  Presentation to Arvon Township Board on September 11

VII.  Next meetings

            A.  Monday, September 11, 2023, 6 PM:  Township Board meeting where the board will        consider adoption of the Recreation Plan.

            B.  September 21, 2023:  Planning Commission Work session, Zoning Ordinance update

            C.  Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 6 PM:  Quarterly Planning Commission Meeting

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.  Adjournment at 6:45 PM

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Community Input Session May 3, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Public Input Session

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review Representative; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair; Donna Preston, Trustee.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited.

Introductions/Guests:  There were thirty-three guests present including Jason McCarthy, Consultant from Northwood Planning & Zoning and the Planning Commission members.  The Planning Commission members introduced themselves, followed by introductions of all those present for this meeting. 

Approval of Agenda:  Bob made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jay.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of April 13, 2023, work session:  Joe made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Robert.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan.

    A.  Linnea presented a brief history of the recreation plan for Arvon Township.  Recreation plans are to be updated every five years, and the timeframe of our current recreation plan was from 2011 to 2016.  Our recreation plan is long overdue.

    B.  Jason McCarthy, consultant, addressed the Recreation Plan process and the importance of the survey and this community input session in identifying recreation wants/needs and ideas the public would benefit from.  This meeting is mandatory in the process of creating a recreation plan and the recreation plan is mandated by the state of Michigan for each township and necessary for grant applications.  Most grants are a state match (25% from township, 75% from state).   Applications for grants open on February 1, 2024.  The survey will assist in achieving the goals/objectives and the number of projects to pursue in the next five years.  The next step in this process is a meeting to utilize the comments from this community input session, scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the town hall, to select projects to consider for the Action Plan.  A 30-day review period follows with copies of the draft plan placed for review at the Arvon Township Hall and on the township’s website.  A Public Hearing will be set up in June and Resolution of Adoption by the Township Board tentatively by August/September. 

     C.  Nancy presented the results of the Recreation Survey which ran from mid-March through April 2023.  The survey utilized paper surveys mailed to all homestead residents and about 200 other property owners and an on-line Survey Monkey with a total of 104 surveys completed (82 paper and 22 on-line surveys), a 16% return rate.  The mailed surveys went to every resident/property owner in Arvon Township.  The paper survey consisted of ten questions and Nancy presented each question and the results revealed and discussed. 

There were some surprises in the results as in question 3 requesting the age of whoever was filling out the survey, the result for age 50 and over, was 82.  Question 5 showed interest in improving the township park (beach, playground equipment, tennis/pickle ball courts, dock improvement and pavilion).  Questions 6/7 concerned maintenance and/or improvement of recreational facilities include the boat launch at the park, township hall, and the undeveloped waterfront parcels were of importance.  Question 8 identified activities the public participates in and beach/swimming, hiking trails, ATV/snowmobile trails, fishing/boating, kayak/paddle board topped the list.  Question 9 requested recreational opportunities to be developed included marked ORV, trails including hiking/cross-country skiing, beach/swimming, boat launch at park, undeveloped waterfronts, and many more.

Comments from guests:

            Clarification made of recreational facilities are those that the township owns that we can consider in this plan. 

            Jay Fish, Township Supervisor, stated that the township hall is a historical building and maintenance includes bids for new siding and windows.  The Township has Covid monies that will be used for a new fence at the ballfield with the work by ball team members.

            Another guest asked who are we doing this for, residents or visitors?  The discussion that followed was really for both.

            Joe Bollech commented about improving the swimming area at the park and possible lighting be added.

            Karen Groesbeck suggested the beauty of flowers in a formal garden, and how a past garden tour in Arvon Township was a success.  The discussion went on to a possible community garden (vegetable/flower).

            A big item on the survey was more marked ATV trails.  This requires validation process for motor and nonmotor recreation.   Lyle Olsen from Aura, a member of the Baraga County Trail Authority (BCTA), provided information that the easements for trail 14 from Lyme and the Conservancy are done with permanent easement by the DNR.  This trail requires licensing, and stickers to access certain trails.  Arvon Township is not yet connected to trail 14 with the concern that this would require Skanee Road to be part of that system, which was felt to be too dangerous.  The trail systems need enforcement and maintenance. 

            There were many suggestions for the township park.  A swimming beach, horseshoe pits (which are there, just need repair), fish cleaning station, railing down to the pavilion, cornhole game, kayak launch, longer boat launch/dock, handicapped fishing access, improved pavilion, basketball court, playground equipment.

            There is interest in the property by Witz Marina for swimming and a kayak launch.

Also on the survey was the question requesting community members to be on a recreation committee.  Jason explained that this committee would be appointed by the Township Board and should have a Planning Commission member on the committee.  This committee would review annual projects for grants and serve in advisory status.  On the survey we had fifteen individuals interested in serving in this capacity.

There were various discussions resuming with good input from the community when adjourned.

II.  Next meeting time is 6 p.m. at the town hall on Thursday, May 18, 2023, to review the input from this meeting and form an Action Plan for the Recreation Plan.

The meeting was adjourned by Nancy Strohschein at 7:40 p.m.  Coffee provided and Ivy Huttema baked cookies enjoyed by all.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission work Session March 23, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board ofReview; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair.  Absent:  Bob Janda, Board Representative; and Donna Preston, Trustee; both absent with notice.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy

Approval of Agenda:  Joe made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Robert.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of March 16, 2023 work session:  Robert made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.


1.  Recreation Plan Survey update:

Joe made a collection box for surveys to be dropped off and is located at the town hall.  We sent a total of 500 surveys.  The Survey Monkey is on Facebook and township’s website.  There is a problem with the website and Nancy will work on that.  Nancy reported she has already received some surveys back. 

2.  Recreation Plan update from Jason:

We reviewed the updated sections of our recreation plan.  We like the new map and suggest using a map legend that is color coded to show what we own and what we don’t own, plus identify our main attractions. 

Tonight, we concentrated on the goals & objectives and 5-year work plan. 

Goal #6:  We eliminated goal #6 but kept the objectives and transferred them to goal #4.  The goals were similar, and we felt the objectives fit better under goal #4. 

Goal #7 will now become goal #6.

Under Goal #2 we will add the possibility to mitigate dust control for certain trails.

5-Year Work Plan:  Jason discussed the action plan for projects.  Our goals/objectives will guide us on these.  We could choose a project for every year.  Examples:  2024 – redo the baseball field and get cost estimate.  2025 – kayak launch by Witz Marina on property we own.  The information we obtain from the survey and public hearing will assist us in this.  The deadline to apply for grants is April 1 of every year.  This plan can be amended but must repeat the whole process again, i.e., 30-day review, public hearing.

Timeline for Recreation Plan:  The in-person input session is set for Thursday, May 4, 2023.  If conflict with date, will change it.  We are trying for completion of the rec plan draft by June 1, 2023 and 30-day review begins.  We are trying for a public hearing in July with board approval in August.

3.  Zoning Ordinance

The Zoning Administrator (ZA) and building inspector positions need to be filled.  Chris Wahmhoff, a trustee with the Township Board, stated he would be interested becoming the ZA.  There may be a conflict with his position on the board, but in rural areas that may be overlooked when it is hard to find someone to fill certain positions.  Jay expressed interest in the building inspector position and even considers the ZA.  Both positions require certification via training.

We discussed the article from the MTA on using a municipal civil infraction to enforce nuisance, zoning and building code violations.  Jason explained this very well and we need to implement this in our ordinance.

Before adjourning, Nancy polled each of us as to how many surveys (paper and on-line) we think will be returned by April 30th.   We had some optimistic numbers!!

Next meeting:  Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the firehall.

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jay.  Motion carried.  Adjournment was at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary
