Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep), Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair), Donna Preston – Absent with notice, Buddy Sweeney (Zoning Admin) – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jason McCarthy attended via phone call.
Approval of Agenda: Bob motioned, Joe seconded
Approval of minutes of February 13, 2024: Jay motioned, Bob seconded
I. Chairman comments:
A. Updates to ZBA membership/publication – Discuss with Jason
- Jay did research. Prefers 5 people instead of 3 for the purposes of voting.
However, this is ultimately not the responsibility of the Planning Commission,
and thus we will no longer be discussing it.
II. Recreation Committee/Plan - Up to the board at this point.
III. Ordinance Update – Led by Jason
A. Final: Article XV updates from our last meeting - Going to proceed with finalizing the ordinance in lieu of waiting for further
input from Buddy. - All changes look good.
B. Discussion on blight - Jason gave overview on his blight ordinance document he provided.
- Robert & Nancy agree a complaint-driven system vs. an “actively looking”
system would be best. - Robert disagreed with Section III about any non-running vehicle that is not
inside or behind a fence being considered “blight”. - Planning Commission agreed to table the entire blight ordinance to await
further recommendations from the Township Board.
C. Setbacks – Suggestions from Buddy - No recent issues. Will leave as is.
D. Confirm change from 120 to 200sqft not requiring building permit, but still
requires zoning permit - The 200sqft is for accessory structures, not something like a dwelling unit.
- Discussed minimum lot sizes, farm and forest should be 5 acres instead of 1.
- Change all smaller districts to 40,000? 40,000sqft lot size is the minimum
needed to get a septic/well permit. - Tabled further discussion until next meeting.
E. Final steps for ZO update - Receive final compiled document
- Publication on website
- Notice in paper (verbiage from Jason)
- Summary of changes
- Print copies for public input session
- Schedule public input session
- Jason to attend public session
- Resolutions from Jason
IV. Next meetings
A. Planning Commission Work Session: Wednesday, April 3rd @ 6:00PM
B. Township Board Meeting: Monday, April 1st @ 6:00PM
C. Public budget Meeting: Wednesday, March 27th @ 4:30PM
D. 2024 Quarterly Meetings - Wednesday, April 10
- Thursday, July 11
- Thursday, October 10
Adjourn: Robert motioned, Bob seconded. 7:10p