Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep)’ Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair) – Absent with notice,
Donna Preston – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Buddy Sweeny, new Zoning Administrator
Approval of Agenda: Bob motioned, Joe seconded
Approval of minutes of January 31, 2024 Recreation Committee Open House: Bob motioned, Joe seconded.
Approval of minutes of January 31, 2024 Work Session: Joe motioned, Bob seconded.
I. Chairman comments:
A. Welcome Buddy! Our new ZA.
B. Updates from February 5 Board Meeting
- Lisa & Jay to talk to MTA to finalize bylaws.
C. Terms on PC. Anyone hear from Lisa? - Nope.
D. Updates to ZBA membership/publication - Tabled until next meeting.
E. Rec Plan upload to DNR site. We may have missed the deadline. - Jason believes we may have some leeway.
II. Recreation Committee
A. Pending By-Laws approval in March
B. The expected members are: - Robert Lindert
- Scott Lloyd
- Mary DeLine
- John DeLine
- Kathy Salsbury
C. If anyone from Arvon Township wishes to join, they will be given priority.
III. Ordinance Update
A. Second Review: Article XV updates from our last meeting. - All references to “R-1A” need to be changed to “GR” (General Residential)
- Discussed removing Section 1511 entirely. Doesn’t seem to fit in with other
changes we’ve made. i.e. shipping container use.
B. First Discussion: Short Term Rentals (STR) – Document sent by Jason for us to
review - Buddy talked about MTA recommending STRs be classified as Hotels/Motels.
- Questions for the PC:
a) Annual Permit – Yes
b) Fire Department Inspection – 3 Yes / 1 Unsure
c) Health Department Inspection – Septic/Well OK, most agreed
d) Fee – Yes
(1) Fee could cover the FD costs of the inspection, paperwork
for permits, etc etc…
(2) Somewhere around $100-$300 annually?
(3) Could charge fee based on occupancy of the STR.
e) Approval from Neighbors – No
f) Notify Neighbors – Yes, but is it really enforceable?
g) Cap on number of STRs allowed? – No. Not fair to those who are
“late to the game”. Could always be revisited if there is concern there are
too many rentals.
C. Proposed Language: Municipal Civil Infractions - What does “plus court costs” mean? We don’t want to be taking everyone to
court. - Should we charge a fee for a zoning permit? We all agree we should. L’Anse
township charges $35. - Buddy to review section & suggest changes he’d like to see for next meeting,
if any.
IV. Next meetings
A. Wednesday February 28th – Planning Commission Work Session @ 6:00pm
B. Township Board Meeting: Monday, March 4th @ 6:00pm
C. Public Budget Meeting: Wednesday, March 27th @ 4:30pm
D. 2024 Quarterly Meetings - Wednesday, April 10
- Thursday, July 11
- Thursday, October 10
Adjourn: Nancy Adjourned. 7:10pm