CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township Fire Hall on January 6, 2025.
ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Krystal Eliason-Treasurer, Robert Janda-Trustee and Keith Erickson-Trustee.
MINUTES APPROVAL: Erickson motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve December 2,2024 minutes. All in favor, motion passed.
AGENDA APPROVAL: Janda motioned, seconded by Erickson to approve the agenda. All in favor, motion passed.
OLD BUSINESS: The remainder of the ARPA funds total $5,644.52. Marinich would like to clarify that when the board approved the December 2024 minutes it was not clear how the remainder of the ARPA funds were spent. $3,000.00 was used to pay for the township’s cemetery clean up spring of 2024 and the remainder of $2,644.00 was used to pay for the 2024 elections.
NEW BUSINESS: Assessor Fedie presented Resolution # 2025-01 to the board. It is Arvon Township Resolution to Adopt Poverty Exemption Income Guideline and Asset Test-2025. The homestead of persons who, in the judgment of the supervisor and the board of review, by reason of poverty, are unable to contribute to the pubic charge is eligible for exemption in whole or part from taxation under the General Property Tax Act, the township board is
required by Section 7u of the General Property Tax Act, Public Act 206 of 1893 (MCL 211.7u), to adopt guidelines for poverty exemptions. The foregoing resolution offered by Board Member Eliason and supported by Board Member Janda, upon roll call vote, Erickson, Janda, Eliason, Fish and Marinich all Yay. All in favor, motion passed.
-Assessor Fedie presented Arvon Township Public Inspection of Records Policy. Policy and Procedure for public inspection & copying of public records in lieu of customary business hours. Motion to accept the policy was made by Eliason, supported by Janda. All in favor, motion passed.
-Assessor Fedie presented Arvon Township Assessment Records Access Policy. The assessor will respond to requests for information within 5 business days, the assessor does not hold specific office hours. Motion to accept the policy was made by Erickson, supported by Janda. All in favor, motion passed.
-Assessor Fedie presented Arvon Township Personal Property Annual Canvass Policy. To ensure accurate assessments, Arvon Township is required to establish a policy regarding the inspection (canvassing) of businesses personal property. To identify new businesses and to verify the closure of previous existing businesses located within the township. To maintain an accurate inventory of business personal property. To assist business owners in
understanding business personal property filing procedures and requirements in the State of Michigan. Motion to accept the policy was made by Eliason, supported by Erickson. All in favor, motion passed.
-Fedie will forward all the policies and the resolution to Nancy Strohshein and Kay Erickson so they can put them on the township website.
-Marinich requests to pay Nancy Strohshein the same annual amount of $150.00 as Kay Erickson receives for website support. She has been helping Erickson with the website. Erickson motioned seconded by Eliason to approve the annual amount. All in favor, motion passed.
-Fedie let the board know that the board of review members will need ongoing training. This will take place in February. Erickson motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the training. All in favor, motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Eliason gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report. General Fund-$289,371.69, Ambulance/EMT
Fund-$19,380.34 Fire Fund-$354,200.13 Liquor Fund-$877.68, Road Fund-$228,021.15. Erickson motioned, seconded by Marinich to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion passed.
BILL APPROVAL: Janda motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve the bills. All in favor, motion passed.
NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting date will be February 3,2025 at 6:00 P.M. at the Township Firehall.
ADJOURN: Eliason motioned, seconded by Marinich to adjourn at 6:20 P.M. All in favor, motion passed.
Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Cler