Planning Commission Work Session September 21, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chair; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review, Bob Janda, Township Board Rep; Robert Lindert, Vice Chair; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair; Donna Preston; Ken Anderson, Zoning Administrator.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy

Approval of Agenda:  Robert made a motion to accept the agenda, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of August 17, 2023, work session:  Bob made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of September 7, 2023, Public Hearing:  Robert made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.


I. Recreation Plan

  1. The Recreation Plan was unanimously adopted by the township board at the September 11, 2023, board meeting with two small changes.  1.  Change board member’s name Krystal Larson to Krystal Eliason in the acknowledgements.  2.  On page 6, change verbiage for trails from “…rugged terrain and miles of trails.” To “…rugged terrain and miles of ATV-riding opportunities on privately owned forest land.”
  2. Approval from board to have one copy printed in color as our official record kept at the Fire Hall office.
  3. Jason stated he needs for the resolution of the Recreation Plan a copy of the minutes from the board meeting approving the plan and he will add the appendix.

II. Ordinance Update

  1. Jason provided a copy of Article II-Definitions, including new and updated definitions.  Discussion with some changes as follows:  Page 8, use ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) instead of ECHO Housing.  Page 10, High Risk Erosion Area is new.  Page 11, Home Occupations, definition okay, but if changes to neighborhood may need permit.  Page 12, Mining Extraction.  Remove wording “but not including”.  Page 12 and 13, Mobile Home.  Robert suggested removal of skirting information in definitions and utilize it in the ordinance.  Page 13, Native Protection Strip.  Similar to buffer definition.  Remove Native Protection Strip and keep definition on buffer.  Also need definition for greenbelt.  Page 17, Recreational Vehicle (RV).  Remove the quote (It is not a “mobile home.”)   A seasonal home definition is needed.
  2. In the zoning map there is no R1A and R1B, so we are eliminating these districts.
  3. Jason gave us homework for the next work session.  We are to determine where the following definitions would be appropriate:  Duplex; Geodesic Dome; Recreational Structure; Shipping/Cargo Container; Tiny Home.

III.  Next meetings.

  1. Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 6 p.m. – Quarterly Planning Commission Meeting.  Work session planned for the same date right after the quarterly meeting.

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.  Adjournment 7:22 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary and Nancy Strohschein, Chair

Planning Commission Public Hearing on Recreation Plan September 7, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Public Hearing for Recreation Plan

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 PM

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chair; Linnea Barron, Secretary, Bob Janda, Township Board Representative Robert Lindert, Vice Chair; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair.  Absent:  Joe Bollech with notice.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited.

Introductions/Guests:  Jason McCarthy, consultant; John and Kathy Salisbury; Jay Fish, Township Supervisor.

Approval of Agenda:  Jay made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan introduction by Jason.

            Jason highlighted from the recreation plan that the Arvon Township Recreation Plan (2024-2028) serves as a road map to the future regarding recreation planning and development within the community.  The plan’s primary focus is to ensure that quality recreational opportunities are available for users of all ages and abilities. Recreation provision in Arvon Township is a key component of community planning, as it serves as a benchmark for how residents and visitors view their quality of life.  The plan includes an introduction to what this plan is and why we need it, how to use the plan, and funding.  Contents include a community description, administrative structure, recreation inventory, description of the planning process, description of the public input process, goals and objectives and action plan.  Each area has its importance in developing a recreation plan as the information obtained assists in exploring what Arvon Township already possesses, what the community would like in recreation and how to accomplish it.  The recreation plan is necessary and includes all the components required to obtain grants for future projects. 

            Jason stated how the process began with reviewing the old recreation plan (2012-2016), updating information, improving maps, reviewing all the recreational opportunities already in place, setting up a community survey, a community input session, followed by goals and objectives and an action plan.  Paper surveys were sent to around 500 residents/landowners, plus an on-line monkey survey was available.  There were about 107 responses, about a quarter of the population, which Jason stated was very good.  The survey results were compiled and presented at a public input session on May 3, 2023.  From the input session, the goals and objectives were developed, and an action plan set up for the next five years.  The first two years in the action plan focus on the Arvon Township Park, but Jason added that any of the projects can be moved around to a different date depending on need.  Jason stressed how this recreation plan is resident generated. 

            Funding for projects can be through grants, local in-kind participation, community funding, or the possibility of millage funding.  The timeline for most grants is the application needs to be submitted by February 1 and the deadline is April 1.  If a grant is obtained it would be for the following year.  Most grants do a matching fund of 75% to 25%.  Important components in a recreation plan are to prioritize improvements and to use it as a road map for recreation opportunities.

            The survey also included a question if anyone was interested in volunteering to be on a recreation committee for Arvon Township.  There was a surprising response of fifteen people interested.  This will be followed up on in the future.

            In closing, Jason mentioned that he has applied to be the Zoning Administrator for our township and could help with grant applications.

II.  Process of Updating the Recreation Plan

            Nancy felt Jason covered the process well and had a few questions.  If donations are obtained from some source, does that count as 25% of the township’s part?  Jason said yes it does. 

            Another question Nancy had was reference to reviewing the plan annually.  Jason clarified that it is helpful each year to see what has been done, grant application, what project is being worked on, etc.  This could be done at budget planning time or at the first quarterly meeting of the year.

III.  Public Comment on the plan.

            Jay Fish commented he liked the simplicity of the plan, it does not change the footprint of Arvon Township.  Projects are scaled to the rural community.  Jay made an additional comment that Lyme pulled their signs indicating permission on their properties.  This has to do with the paperwork is incomplete and affects surrounding property owners, so the signs are down for now.

            Cathy Salisbury asked if the approved plan will be accessible to all residents.  Jason stated the cost of printing is high, but there are a few copies available.  The best way to access the recreation plan is on the Arvon Township’s website, which is

            Bob asked Jason how much he would charge for working on grant applications.  Jason may become our zoning administrator and the administrative cost in grant application comes out of the grant program, usually 15%.

            Donna asked if the Township Board needs to approve a recreation committee at this upcoming meeting.  Jason felt it was not necessary at this time, perhaps at budget time.

IV.  Consideration of any changes. 


V.  Approval by Planning Commission – Roll Call Vote.

            Nancy Strohschein – yes

            Bob Janda – yes

            Robert Lindert – yes

            Jay Loman – yes

            Donna Preston – yes

            Linnea Barron – yes

VI.  Next steps:  Presentation to Arvon Township Board on September 11

VII.  Next meetings

            A.  Monday, September 11, 2023, 6 PM:  Township Board meeting where the board will        consider adoption of the Recreation Plan.

            B.  September 21, 2023:  Planning Commission Work session, Zoning Ordinance update

            C.  Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 6 PM:  Quarterly Planning Commission Meeting

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.  Adjournment at 6:45 PM

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Work Session August 17, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chairperson; Donna Preston; Ken Anderson, Zoning Administrator.  Absent:  Joe Bollech due to illness.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy, consultant.

Approval of Agenda:  Jay made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of July 20, 2023, work session:  Donna made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan

A.  Final draft reviewed with a few minor changes that Jason will take care of.  No comments from the public on the review period of the draft going on.  One printed copy was utilized.

B.  Public hearing will be on September 7, 2023.   In this open meeting, Jason McCarthy will introduce what a recreation plan is and why we need it and why it requires updating every five (5) years.  Nancy will provide the background for this recreation plan.  The Planning Commission will hear public comments and changes can be amended to the plan.  There will be a roll-call vote to adopt by the Planning Commission.  The adopted plan will be presented to the Arvon Township Board on September 11, 2023, for resolution of concurrence.

II.  Ordinance Update

A.  Definition for signs.  Jason suggested that signs be of professional design.  Jason proposed a new definition for signs which reads:  Any object, device, display, structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct, or attract attention to an object, person, situation, organization, business, product, service, event, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images, in accordance with the adopted Arvon Township standards found in Section 1509 of this ordinance.

B.  Definition for fences.  Jason proposed a new definition that reads:  An artificial structure forming a physical barrier between two areas and constructed of chain-link, vinyl, masonry, lumber, or any other manufactured material in accordance with the adopted Arvon Township standards found in Section 1506 of this ordinance.

C.  Erosion control.  Jason supplied a new definition from the state website for High-Risk Erosion Area (HREA), which reads:  Shorelines of the Great Lakes where the land is receding at a rate of one foot or more per year for a minimum of 15 years.  Recession rates change over time as water levels fluctuate and costal conditions change.  Approximately 250 miles of shoreline are designated as high-risk erosion areas along the shorelines of Lakes Michigan, Superior and Huron.  The below Arvon Township map shows the locations for each of the areas.  Note:  A permit is required for any regulated land use on a parcel in a HREA.  HREAs are regulated by the Administrative Rules of Part 323, Shorelands Protection and Management of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.  Jason added that the permit is from the state.

D.  Schedule for Ordinance completion:  Jason suggested that this should be done by the end of the year with review process and public hearing.  Month by month:  New uses installed by end of September.  General regulations in October.  November would be review process and public hearing in December. 

III.  Next meetings:  Recreation Plan Public hearing on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at 6 p.m.  Monday, September 11, 2023, 6 p.m., Township Board meeting to adopt recreation plan.  September 21, 2023, 6 p.m. work session.  Next quarterly meeting on October 11, 2023, 6 p.m.

Adjourn:  Robert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Work Session July 20, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair; Donna Preston, Ken Anderson, Zoning Administrator.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Introductions/Guests:  Jason McCarthy, Bette Gabe

Approval of Agenda:  Robert made a motion to accept the agenda, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of June 29, 2023 work session:  Robert made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan:

A.  The members had all reviewed the recreation plan draft from Jason.  A few minor changes were noted that Jason will take care of.  We will begin the 30-day review with notice in the paper and on-line on August 2, 2023, and a public hearing on September 7, 2023, at the town hall at 6 p.m.

B.  We did not address the comments part of the Recreation Plan Survey.

C.  Nancy sent thank you emails to those interested in becoming part of a recreation committee.

II.  Ordinance Update:

A.  Seasonal versus year-round dwellings.  In order to consolidate definitions which are confusing, Jason suggested we remove the definitions for cabin rental, vacation rental and recreation structure.  The proposed definition reads:  Vacation Rental – A residential dwelling not owner-occupied, which is rented all, or in part, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for thirty (30) days or less, for transient occupancy and financial gain.

B.  Shipping Containers as Accessory Structures:  A new definition was made and accepted in the amendments a year ago, which reads:  Portable Storage/Shipping Container – Temporary container used for transportation and storage.  A setback of two hundred (200) feet right of way from road.  No right of way on private road, keep structure away twenty (20) feet.  This is to be applied in Farm Forest (FF) and Forest Resource (FR).  Jason has proposed a new definition to read:  Shipping or Cargo Container – A container with strength suitable to withstand shipment, storage, and handling.  Shipping containers range from large reusable steel boxes used for intermodal shipments, to the typical semi-trailer.  This will be reviewed.

C.  Outdoor Wood Boilers and Solar Energy Systems:  No change.

D.  Minimum Lot/Acreage Sizes including Farm & Forest:  More discussion on this.

E.  Tiny Homes, Geodesic Domes, Other New Designs:  As an alternative dwelling unit type, Arvon Township does not address this.  The proposed definitions read: 

Tiny Home – A manufactured or conventionally built structure, 480 square feet in size or less, which may be built on a steel undercarriage with the necessary wheel assembly to be transported to a permanent or semi-permanent site.  The steel undercarriage and/or wheels may be removed when placed on a permanent foundation.

Geodesic Dome – A hemispherical, thin-shell structure (lattice-shell), based on a geodesic polyhedron.  The triangular elements of the dome are structurally rigid and distribute the weight stress throughout the structure.

F.  Mining & Mineral Extraction:  This will be revisited.

G.  Blight.  The proposed new definition for blighted property reads:  Blighted Property – “Blighted Property” means a property that meets any of the following criteria:

1.  The property has been declared a public nuisance in accordance with local housing, building, plumbing, fire, or other related codes or ordinances.

2.  The property is a nuisance because of physical condition or use.

3.  The property is a fire hazard or is otherwise dangerous to the safety of persons or property.

4.  The property has had the utilities, plumbing, heating, or sewerage disconnected, destroyed, removed, or rendered ineffective for a period of one (1) year or more, so that the property is unfit for its intended use.

5.  The property has building code violations posing a severe and immediate health or safety threat and has not been substantially rehabilitated within one (1) year after the receipt of notice to rehabilitate from the appropriate code enforcement agency or final determination of any appeal, whichever is later.

H.  Short-term rentals (STR) and long-term rentals (LTR).  Ken shared some articles in local papers on this and how it is affecting those communities.  Problems include STR limiting the availability of renting a dwelling for the long term causing a housing problem, excessive noise, management of the property.  Some regulations could be an application process with fee, management with contact information, rules posted, or legal legislation.

III.  Next Planning Commission work session on Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 6 p.m.   Next quarterly meeting will be on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6 p.m.

Adjourn:  Nancy made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried. 

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Work Session, June 29, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review; Donna Preston; Ken Anderson, Zoning Administrator.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy

Approval of Agenda:  Nancy included in the agenda information about a meeting with Michigamme Highlands/Lyme/DNR.  Robert made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of June 8, 2023.  Robert made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.


1.  The informational meeting with Michigamme Highlands/Lyme/DNR will take place on July 10 and 11.  This includes Baraga, Iron and Marquette counties for preserving streams, land, and forestry.  Nancy plans to attend and welcomes anyone to join her.

2.  Recreation Plan.  Jason stated he would have the final draft completed before our quarterly meeting on July 12.  We have not contacted anyone interested in being on the recreation committee and the board would have to approve first.

3.  Ordinance Update:  Jason provided us with topics of discussion that he had prepared. 

A.  Recreational Structures Vs. Single Family Dwelling Units.  Jason stressed the importance of definitions and supplied definitions for Dwelling Unit; Dwelling, Single-Family; Duplex; and Dwelling, Multi-family.  Discussion on the function changing from camps to now living full time and vice versa.  Jason and Ken will give a final okay on changes in language in the ordinance.

B.  Shipping Containers as Accessory Structures:  They can serve as storage units; however, the aesthetic issue exists.  Problem can be solved by screening, painting complimentary color, meet setbacks.  Jason provided a definition to consider and suggested these should be listed as a permitted or conditional use within specific zoning districts.

C.  Outdoor Furnace:  We have a definition for Outdoor Furnace which Jason feels is adequate, but the use should be listed as permitted or conditional use within specific zoning districts.

D.  Dark-Sky Outdoor Lighting Requirements (Commercial/Industrial Uses Only):  Concern here is the LED lighting which can be very bright.  Jason provided a definition that covers this. 

E.  Solar Energy Systems:  Our ordinance addresses this topic under Section 1502. Alternative Energy Sources.

F.  Short-Term Rentals (Vacation, AirBnB, Vrbo):  Inspection for water/well/septic should be considered, also neighbors’ approval, noise control, etc.  Jason recommended a revision to our current definition.

G.  Fences:  Under General Provisions in Article XV, Section 1506, we currently do not address placement of fences.  Jason provided a more detailed definition which would address this.

H.  Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs):  This is covered in our ordinance under ECHO (Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity).  We will update the current language to Accessory Dwelling Units.  Jason will provide us a better definition for this.

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, July 12, 6 p.m. for quarterly planning commission meeting.

No work session set up yet.

Adjourn:  Donna made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Work Session June 8, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Donna Preston, Trustee.  Ken Anderson, Zoning Administrator.  Absent:  Jay Loman, unknown reason.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Guests:  Jason McCarthy and Bette Gabe

Approval of Agenda:  Robert made a motion to accept the agenda, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes of May 18, 2023, Work session:  Robert made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Donna.  Motion Carried.

Approval of Minutes of May 3, 2023, Public Input Session:  Three changes were made to the minutes:  First paragraph, second sentence should read ‘The survey utilized paper surveys mailed to all homestead residents and to about 200 other property owners and on-line Survey Monkey….’ Also, in the first paragraph on item C, last sentence should read “The paper survey consisted of ten questions….”    Second paragraph in item C under questions 6/7 remove ‘listed’ replaced by ‘include’ and remove cemetery.  Robert made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan.

            A.  The proposed 5-year Plan Projects were reviewed.   There was concern that the projects suggested could never be achieved in five years.  Jason explained that any of the projects can be completed during these five years and that some of the projects could be done at anytime as they were small items, such as refinish tables at the park.  Also, projects not completed in this 5-year plan can be rolled over into the next recreation plan.  Jason will pull out the items that would qualify for grant application.   These projects need to be related back to our goals and objectives in our recreation plan.

We requested Jason to add to the goals and objectives, #4 and #6 of our plan, to include wording “to hold community events” or something similar.  Jason will have the final draft to the recreation plan so we can begin the 30-day review period and set the public hearing date.  This will be reviewed at our quarterly meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

            B.  We have not taken any further action on forming a recreation committee.  This also will be discussed at a future meeting.

II.  Ordinance Update.

Robert inquired if the Farm/Forest District could be ten (10) acres minimum, not one (1) acre.  The Forest Resource District is ten (10) acres.

High Erosion areas/Floodplain:  Section 1510 and Section 702 in our ordinance cover this.  However, Ken informed us that there are new laws in effect with high erosion areas and this needs to be updated soon.  He will provide us with more information at our next meeting. 

Fences:  Our ordinance needs updating on this.  We do not state where you can put them.

Definitions:  Jason will bring draft definitions for our next meeting.

Blight Ordinance:  We currently do not have one.  Jason talked about how this can be accomplished.  Providing resources to solve this issue can be helpful, such as where to drop off items classified as blight.  The process could include a letter of notification and violation in dollars, a clean-up period, and citation if not completed.  Any support (resources) to assist in this process should be addressed.

Other topics mentioned that need updating include housing, gravel mining, short term rentals, shipping containers.

III.  Next meeting- work session:  Thursday, June 29, 2023 at the town hall at 6 p.m.

Reminder that the quarterly meeting will be Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at the town hall at 6 p.m.

Adjourn:  Bob made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Donna.  Motion carried.  Adjournment at 7:45 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Work Session May 18, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Work Session

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Call to Order:  6 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chair; Jay Loman, Board of Review chair; Donna Preston, Trustee.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited

Introduction of Guests:  Karen Groesbeck, John and Kathy Salisbury

Approval of Agenda:  Jay made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Bob.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of May 3, 2023 Public Input session:  Linnea has computer issues and unable to send minutes to board members in time for the meeting.  Minutes will be reviewed and approved at the next meeting on June 8, 2023.


I.  Recreation Plan

            A.  This meeting focused on comments from the Public Input session and survey results in planning which projects will receive attention.  The comments on the survey were reviewed and included a few who wrote a few pages of ideas and concerns.  We had reviewed the survey results/comments and felt it necessary to address these comments. It was felt we had a good return on the survey, the questions were good for our information.  There were a few glitches in the mailing as some did not receive a survey.  In the future send surveys to only residents and maybe have surveys at the Finns or Trading Post.  All in all, we felt the cost/benefit of the survey was worth it.

A noted concern and request was for toilet facilities at the mouth of the Huron, Point Abbaye, Big Erick’s, and Mount Arvon.

We are excited that fifteen people expressed interest in being part of a recreation committee.  These people will all be contacted.

            B.  The committee came up with the following projects to consider in the 5-year timeframe of the recreation plan.

1.  Improvements at the township park to accommodate community events. 

These would include railing down to the pavilion from parking lot, fire pits/grills, improve picnic tables/benches, electric outlets, running water, access to swimming area, additional toilet facilities.  Phase 1

2.  Improvements at the park that support activities.

These include playground equipment, possible corn hole games, basketball court update (possible pickleball), addition of flower beds/community garden.

The boat launch area needs bumpers for boat docking, a longer dock for larger boats, lighting, addition of handicap accessible fishing, access to dock boats.  Phase 2

3.  On the property owned by the township next to Witz Marina, a swimming beach and kayak launch.  Parking area needed.

4.  Improve ORV trail access and the concern for dust control if motoring on gravel roads. 

5.  Hiking trails, biking trails, nature walks.   Benches and picnic tables on proposed trails.  Signage on these trails.  A nature trail at Town Hall park.

6.  Develop the area near the mouth of the Huron with parking area, camping, picnic tables, and Dark Sky Park. 

II.  Ordinance

Review the suggested areas of concern in the ordinance from the April 13th meeting.  The topics will be addressed at our June 8, 2023 work session.

III.  Next meeting:  Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the town hall.

Adjourn:  Joe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jay.  Motion carried.  Adjournment at 7:40 p.m.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary

Planning Commission Community Input Session May 3, 2023

Arvon Township Planning Commission Public Input Session

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Call to Order:  6:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Nancy Strohschein, Chairperson; Linnea Barron, Secretary; Joe Bollech, Board of Review Representative; Bob Janda, Township Board Representative; Robert Lindert, Vice Chairperson; Jay Loman, Board of Review Chair; Donna Preston, Trustee.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Recited.

Introductions/Guests:  There were thirty-three guests present including Jason McCarthy, Consultant from Northwood Planning & Zoning and the Planning Commission members.  The Planning Commission members introduced themselves, followed by introductions of all those present for this meeting. 

Approval of Agenda:  Bob made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jay.  Motion carried.

Approval of minutes of April 13, 2023, work session:  Joe made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Robert.  Motion carried.


I.  Recreation Plan.

    A.  Linnea presented a brief history of the recreation plan for Arvon Township.  Recreation plans are to be updated every five years, and the timeframe of our current recreation plan was from 2011 to 2016.  Our recreation plan is long overdue.

    B.  Jason McCarthy, consultant, addressed the Recreation Plan process and the importance of the survey and this community input session in identifying recreation wants/needs and ideas the public would benefit from.  This meeting is mandatory in the process of creating a recreation plan and the recreation plan is mandated by the state of Michigan for each township and necessary for grant applications.  Most grants are a state match (25% from township, 75% from state).   Applications for grants open on February 1, 2024.  The survey will assist in achieving the goals/objectives and the number of projects to pursue in the next five years.  The next step in this process is a meeting to utilize the comments from this community input session, scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the town hall, to select projects to consider for the Action Plan.  A 30-day review period follows with copies of the draft plan placed for review at the Arvon Township Hall and on the township’s website.  A Public Hearing will be set up in June and Resolution of Adoption by the Township Board tentatively by August/September. 

     C.  Nancy presented the results of the Recreation Survey which ran from mid-March through April 2023.  The survey utilized paper surveys mailed to all homestead residents and about 200 other property owners and an on-line Survey Monkey with a total of 104 surveys completed (82 paper and 22 on-line surveys), a 16% return rate.  The mailed surveys went to every resident/property owner in Arvon Township.  The paper survey consisted of ten questions and Nancy presented each question and the results revealed and discussed. 

There were some surprises in the results as in question 3 requesting the age of whoever was filling out the survey, the result for age 50 and over, was 82.  Question 5 showed interest in improving the township park (beach, playground equipment, tennis/pickle ball courts, dock improvement and pavilion).  Questions 6/7 concerned maintenance and/or improvement of recreational facilities include the boat launch at the park, township hall, and the undeveloped waterfront parcels were of importance.  Question 8 identified activities the public participates in and beach/swimming, hiking trails, ATV/snowmobile trails, fishing/boating, kayak/paddle board topped the list.  Question 9 requested recreational opportunities to be developed included marked ORV, trails including hiking/cross-country skiing, beach/swimming, boat launch at park, undeveloped waterfronts, and many more.

Comments from guests:

            Clarification made of recreational facilities are those that the township owns that we can consider in this plan. 

            Jay Fish, Township Supervisor, stated that the township hall is a historical building and maintenance includes bids for new siding and windows.  The Township has Covid monies that will be used for a new fence at the ballfield with the work by ball team members.

            Another guest asked who are we doing this for, residents or visitors?  The discussion that followed was really for both.

            Joe Bollech commented about improving the swimming area at the park and possible lighting be added.

            Karen Groesbeck suggested the beauty of flowers in a formal garden, and how a past garden tour in Arvon Township was a success.  The discussion went on to a possible community garden (vegetable/flower).

            A big item on the survey was more marked ATV trails.  This requires validation process for motor and nonmotor recreation.   Lyle Olsen from Aura, a member of the Baraga County Trail Authority (BCTA), provided information that the easements for trail 14 from Lyme and the Conservancy are done with permanent easement by the DNR.  This trail requires licensing, and stickers to access certain trails.  Arvon Township is not yet connected to trail 14 with the concern that this would require Skanee Road to be part of that system, which was felt to be too dangerous.  The trail systems need enforcement and maintenance. 

            There were many suggestions for the township park.  A swimming beach, horseshoe pits (which are there, just need repair), fish cleaning station, railing down to the pavilion, cornhole game, kayak launch, longer boat launch/dock, handicapped fishing access, improved pavilion, basketball court, playground equipment.

            There is interest in the property by Witz Marina for swimming and a kayak launch.

Also on the survey was the question requesting community members to be on a recreation committee.  Jason explained that this committee would be appointed by the Township Board and should have a Planning Commission member on the committee.  This committee would review annual projects for grants and serve in advisory status.  On the survey we had fifteen individuals interested in serving in this capacity.

There were various discussions resuming with good input from the community when adjourned.

II.  Next meeting time is 6 p.m. at the town hall on Thursday, May 18, 2023, to review the input from this meeting and form an Action Plan for the Recreation Plan.

The meeting was adjourned by Nancy Strohschein at 7:40 p.m.  Coffee provided and Ivy Huttema baked cookies enjoyed by all.

Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary
