Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair)
Joe Bollech (Board of Review)
Bob Janda (Board Rep) – Absent with notice
Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary)
Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair)
Donna Preston – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jason McCarthy attended via phone call
Approval of Agenda: Joe motioned, Jay seconded
Approval of minutes of November 9, 2023 Work Session: Robert motioned, Jay seconded.
I. Housekeeping
A. Chair: Post meetings on website calendar.
B. Members: Be familiar with the website for our documents.
C. Chair: Agenda for an upcoming meeting must be sent out to PC a week before
the meeting.
D. Joe: Post meeting notice at Fire Hall or Town Hall few days before the meeting.
E. Secretary: Minutes of the last meeting should be sent out to all PC members the
week before the meeting.
F. Secretary: Approved minutes need to be sent to Kay Erickson to be put on the
township website. Mary Erickson Please note
this is not the official copy of the minutes.
G. Secretary or Chair: Place approved agenda and minutes in notebooks in Fire Hall
office. This is the official copy.
H. Quarterly PC meetings have been added to the Sentinel Notices in Brief. This
needs to be requested annually.
II. Recreation Plan
A. Final compiled plan received from Jason. Will be posted on website.
B. Status of submission to DNR? Lisa Marinich needs to post it.
C. Comments not part of Rec Plan – No action taken yet
D. Recreation Committee
- Update from request to board on December 4, 2023
- Jason to provide public act describing duties of and requirements for the
Recreation Committee
- Jason reached out to MI Township Association for information on recreation
- Jason suggests a work session agenda item to probe for recreation
committee members—perhaps advertise the work session meeting to the
individuals who listed themselves as interested in the recreation committee.
- A question was asked about Section 4 of the Recreation Committee Duties
and Responsibilities document regarding attending meetings remotely. Jason
clarified this was from a temporary COVID-19 policy that allowed remote
attendance of public meetings.
III. Ordinance Update – Led by Jason
A. Jason provided some examples and templates of Marquette Township zoning
ordinances such as a sign ordinance for discussion.
B. Went through newly added definitions and old definitions to finalize them.
- Added Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to first page definitions
- Remove greenbelt line about “see page 55-56”
- Move mobile home requirements to later in the ordinance as they don’t
belong in the definition
- Remove “native protection strip”
- Remove “lodges”
- “ECHO” removed, converted to ADU
- Added “not a mobile home” to “RV” definition.
- Update “nuisance” definition to that which was used in the adopted wind
energy ordinance definition. This way our definitions match.
C. Zoning Districts
- Added duplex to General Residential (GR)
- Added ADU & Short Term Rental (STR) to GR subject to special conditions.
- Many small changes to Recreation Residential (RR) district. Made language
more consistent with modern ordinances. For example “single family” vs
- Move STR to permitted use in every district but GR. In GR it will be subject to
special conditions. Regardless, in every district they will require a permit.
- In Forest Resource (FR) removed point 6 about gravel/sand extraction and
instead used “Mining/Mineral Extraction” which is defined in our definitions.
- In FR we moved STR and single family back into permitted uses.
- In Farm & Forest (FF) we cleaned up some of the duplicate permitted uses.
- Shipping containers, since they are not a primary use, will be handled later in
the ordinance.
D. Signs
- Jay commented about real estate signage term of 1 year, most agreed we
didn’t like this.
- Lots of thoughts on LED signs, to be tabled for later discussion. Jason to
provide example on signage lighting requirements.
- Change “temporary political signs” to “temporary election signs”
- Permit only required for signs in a business district
- Remove permit for constructions signs
- Sign variance discission fits with current doing of variances. This is OK.
IV. Next meetings
A. December 21st, 2023 @ 6:00PM: Planning Commission work session
B. 2024 quarterly meetings will be moved to Thursdays at 6 PM.
- January 11
- April 11
- July 11
- October 10
Adjourn: Robert motioned, Jay seconded. 7:30pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair),Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep) – Absent with notice Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair)
Donna Preston – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jason McCarthy attended via phone call
Approval of Agenda: Joe motioned, Jay seconded
Approval of minutes of November 9, 2023 Work Session: Robert motioned, Jay seconded.
I. Housekeeping
A. Chair: Post meetings on website calendar.
B. Members: Be familiar with the website for our documents.
C. Chair: Agenda for an upcoming meeting must be sent out to PC a week before
the meeting.
D. Joe: Post meeting notice at Fire Hall or Town Hall few days before the meeting.
E. Secretary: Minutes of the last meeting should be sent out to all PC members the
week before the meeting.
F. Secretary: Approved minutes need to be sent to Kay Erickson to be put on the
township website. Mary Erickson Please note
this is not the official copy of the minutes.
G. Secretary or Chair: Place approved agenda and minutes in notebooks in Fire Hall
office. This is the official copy.
H. Quarterly PC meetings have been added to the Sentinel Notices in Brief. This
needs to be requested annually.
II. Recreation Plan
A. Final compiled plan received from Jason. Will be posted on website.
B. Status of submission to DNR? Lisa Marinich needs to post it.
C. Comments not part of Rec Plan – No action taken yet
D. Recreation Committee
- Update from request to board on December 4, 2023
- Jason to provide public act describing duties of and requirements for the
Recreation Committee
- Jason reached out to MI Township Association for information on recreation
- Jason suggests a work session agenda item to probe for recreation
committee members—perhaps advertise the work session meeting to the
individuals who listed themselves as interested in the recreation committee.
- A question was asked about Section 4 of the Recreation Committee Duties
and Responsibilities document regarding attending meetings remotely. Jason
clarified this was from a temporary COVID-19 policy that allowed remote
attendance of public meetings.
III. Ordinance Update – Led by Jason
A. Jason provided some examples and templates of Marquette Township zoning
ordinances such as a sign ordinance for discussion.
B. Went through newly added definitions and old definitions to finalize them.
- Added Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to first page definitions
- Remove greenbelt line about “see page 55-56”
- Move mobile home requirements to later in the ordinance as they don’t
belong in the definition
- Remove “native protection strip”
- Remove “lodges”
- “ECHO” removed, converted to ADU
- Added “not a mobile home” to “RV” definition.
- Update “nuisance” definition to that which was used in the adopted wind
energy ordinance definition. This way our definitions match.
C. Zoning Districts
- Added duplex to General Residential (GR)
- Added ADU & Short Term Rental (STR) to GR subject to special conditions.
- Many small changes to Recreation Residential (RR) district. Made language
more consistent with modern ordinances. For example “single family” vs
- Move STR to permitted use in every district but GR. In GR it will be subject to
special conditions. Regardless, in every district they will require a permit.
- In Forest Resource (FR) removed point 6 about gravel/sand extraction and
instead used “Mining/Mineral Extraction” which is defined in our definitions.
- In FR we moved STR and single family back into permitted uses.
- In Farm & Forest (FF) we cleaned up some of the duplicate permitted uses.
- Shipping containers, since they are not a primary use, will be handled later in
the ordinance.
D. Signs
- Jay commented about real estate signage term of 1 year, most agreed we
didn’t like this.
- Lots of thoughts on LED signs, to be tabled for later discussion. Jason to
provide example on signage lighting requirements.
- Change “temporary political signs” to “temporary election signs”
- Permit only required for signs in a business district
- Remove permit for constructions signs
- Sign variance discission fits with current doing of variances. This is OK.
IV. Next meetings
A. December 21st, 2023 @ 6:00PM: Planning Commission work session
B. 2024 quarterly meetings will be moved to Thursdays at 6 PM.
- January 11
- April 11
- July 11
- October 10
Adjourn: Robert motioned, Jay seconded. 7:30pm
October 9
6:00 pm
The Arvon Township Planning Commission will hold its quarterly meeting at the Skanee Fire Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
July 10
6:00 pm
The Arvon Township will meet for its quarterly meeting at the Skanee Fire Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
April 10
6:00 pm
The Arvon Township Planning Commission will meet at the Skanee Fire Hall for its quarterly meeting. The public is encouraged to attend.
December 1
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Skanee Firehall
November 3
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Skanee Firehall
October 6
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Skanee Firehall
September 8
6:00 am
7:00 pm
Skanee Firehall
August 4
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Skanee Firehall