February 24, 2022
Call to Order: 6 p.m.
Roll Call: Nancy Strohschein, Joe Bollech, Jay Loman, Bob Janda, Robert Lindert, Linnea Barron. Absent: Dorothy Nankervis.
Pledge of Allegiance: We recited the pledge.
Approval of Agenda: Bob made a motion, seconded by Nancy.
Old and New Business: We reviewed the work on Section 6 from Jason and made some more improvements on it.
Section 7 included Public Participation with subtitles of Introduction and Public Input. What was missing was the addition of the summary from the public hearing in July 2021, sent to Jason but not included. Copies were distributed of that public hearing with all the suggestions from the public and reviewed. Robert brought up the topic of Dark Sky and would find information on it to share. This was discussed to be added to the list of suggestions.
Section 8 included Goals and Objectives. After reviewing the old goals and objectives in our last master plan it was decided we needed a whole session just on this. A work session in March will be set up for this topic.
Adjournment: Bob made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Robert. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7 p.m.
Submitted by Linnea Barron, Secretary