Township Board Meeting Minutes November 2021

Skanee Townhall


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on November 1, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Eliason-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Janda motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the October 4, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL: Eliason motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Barron requests that the board purchase a new printer.  Marinich will call for bids,  $2,000.00 limit.   Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Marinich to purchase a new printer for the township.  All in favor, motion passed.

-MSU is asking for $5,000.00 towards the 4-H program for Baraga County.  After discussion, Marinich motioned, seconded by Janda to do nothing at this time.  All in favor, motion passed.

OLD BUSINESS:  Only one bid came in for the township plowing.  Curt Royal, $600.00/access site and $850.00 Skanee township park.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliasion to approve Royal’s bid.  All in favor, motion passed.

-Eliason motioned, seconded by Janda to approve Robert Lindert as a member on the Planning Commission Board.  All in favor, motion passed.  Marinich will have to swear him in before he is a member.

NEW BUSINESS:  Marinich is requesting a new computer for the Clerk.  Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the purchase with a $1,300.00 limit.  All in favor, motion passed.                            



TREASURER’S REPORT: Eliason gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$292,996.94 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$18,449.95 Fire Fund-$223,663.95 Liquor Fund-$875.28, Road Fund-$70,271.81.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Eliason motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.                                                                                                                                                                        

NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be December 6, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to adjourn at 6:30 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes September 2021


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on September 13, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Eliason-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Eliason motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the August 2, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Kay Erickson let the board know that she is resigning from the Arvon Township website. Marinich will take it over when she is done.

-Paul Putnam introduced himself on behalf of the Michigan State Extension Baraga County Branding.  He would like to be on the agenda for next month’s meeting. 

OLD BUSINESS:  Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve Wahmhoff’s bill for ORV services for the amount of $2,880.00.  All in favor, motion passed.

-Residents on the Point Abbaye side are bothered by all the night logging around there.  They would like to know if there is a cut off time.  The township does not have any kind of ordinance for loggers that are working. 

-Residents still concerned about the Sawmill residents, and the Karschney Rd people have left.

NEW BUSINESS: Fedie is doing field work and classes.                          



TREASURER’S REPORT: Eliason gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$299,646.07 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$21,037.45 Fire Fund-$223,999.69 Liquor Fund-$435.50, Road Fund-$70,271.81.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL: With the addition of Wahmhoff’s check, Eliason motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.

 NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be October 4, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to adjourn at 6:35 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Arvon Township Annual Meeting Minutes March 2020


MARCH 30, 2020

CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor James Soli called the March 30, 2020 Annual/Budget meeting to order that was held at the Skanee Fire Hall at 5:00 P.M. 

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: James Soli-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Keith Erickson-Trustee, Chris Wahmhoff-Trustee-absent.

ROLL CALL: Taken at 5:00 p.m.

MARCH 26, 2019 MINUTES APPROVAL: Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Pam Nankervis to approve the minutes of the March 26, 2019 meeting.  All in favor, motion passed.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Bette Gabe, to approve the Agenda.  All in favor, motion passed.

SUPERVISOR’S TOWNSHIP UPDATE:   Supervisor Soli presented the Township updates.

-Due to the Corona pandemic, the Annual/Budget meeting will be brief with only what is on the Annual agenda and to approve the budgets.

-The new part of the Skanee Cemetery is now surveyed.

-Hired Jason McCarthy to update the townships Master Plan. The township put $5,000 down and $5,000 at completion.  Due to the coronavirus, this work has been delayed.

-The township website has been updated this year.

-The township signed an agreement with the Flood Insurance Program for property owners that would like to purchase flood insurance along the lake shore or river frontage, they may do so now on their own.

TOWNSHIP HALL MAINTENANCE:  No hall maintenance was done this fiscal year.         

DEPOSITORY:  Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Pam Nankervis to stay with Superior National Bank and Baraga Co. Credit Union as the Township depositories.  All in favor, motion passed. 

SALARY APPROVAL: The Supervisor’s salary to remain at $6,500.00, the Clerk salary to raise from $6,500.00 to $8,750.00 per year, the Treasurer’s salary from $8,000.00 to $10,250.00 a year and the Trustees raise from $55.00 to $100.00 per meeting.  Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Sue Bollech to approve the salaries.  All in favor, motion passed.

DATES, TIMES, LOCATION OF REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS: The Regular monthly meetings are at 6:00 P.M. At the Skanee Fire Hall. Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Bette Gabe to leave it the same.  All in favor, motion passed.

MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATES: Bette Gabe motioned, seconded by Pam Nankervis to approve the Federal Government rate per mile for reimbursement.  All in favor, motion passed.

TOWN HALL/FIRE HALL RENTAL FEES AND AGREEMENTS: Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Pam Nankervis to raise the rental fee for the downstairs and upstairs of the Town Hall from $75.00 to $150.00 each and leave the deposit fee for alcohol at $100.00.  Rental of the Fire Hall remains $50.00 and a $100.00 deposit for alcohol.  The Fire hall rental will be free to all Fire Dept members.  All in favor, motion passed.

CEMETERY LOT FEES: Joanne Erickson motioned to raise the cemetery lot fees from $200.00 to $400.00 for a full lot and a half lot from $100.00 to $250.00 for the taxpayers of Arvon Township.   All in favor, motion passed. 

CEMETERY CLEAN UP: Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Sue Bollech to bid out the Skanee cemetery clean up again this year.  All in favor, motion passed.  Marinich will put an ad in paper for bids in the next weeks paper.

BOARD OF REVIEW/ZONING BOARD/ELECTION BOARD SALARIES:  Board of Review wage is $12.00/hr with paid lunch. Marinich requests that the Election Chairperson wage raise from $12.50/hr to $15.50/hr and the election workers wage from $12.00/hr to $15.00/hr, their paid lunches remain $10.00. Marinich requests that the Zoning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals chairperson and secretary raise from $50.00 to $65.00 per meeting, and the Zoning Board members from $35.00 to $50.00 per meeting. Any training for the Board of Review, Zoning Boards or the Election Board will be paid  $25.00 for a half day (up to 4 hours) and $50.00 for a full day (over 4 hours) plus mileage.  Joanne Erickson motioned, second by Pam Nankervis to approve the increase for the Zoning board wages and election wages and to leave the Board of Review wages and training as is.   All in favor, motion passed.         


ANNUAL MEETING ADJOURNMENT: Joanne Erickson motioned, seconded by Pam Nankervis to adjourn the Annual meeting at 6:15 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

BUDGET MEETING: Supervisor James Soli called the 2019-2020/2020-2021 Budget meeting to order at 6:15 P.M. at the Township Fire Hall.  After the board read through the revised budget, Keith Erickson motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the revised budget of 2019-2020.  All in favor, motion passed.

– After the board read through the Budget of 2020-2021, Krystal Larson motioned, seconded by Keith Erickson to approve the 2020-2021 Budget.  All in favor, motion passed. 

TOWNSHIP BILL APPROVAL:  Keith Erickson motioned, seconded by Krystal Larson to approve paying the bills.  All in favor, motion passed. 

ADJOURNMENT:  Keith Erickson motioned, seconded by Krystal Larson to adjourn the Budget meeting at 6:30 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich

Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes August 2021


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on August 2, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Eliason-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the July 5, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Linnea Barron thanked everyone that turned out for the Master Plan meeting.  It gave Jason McCarthy a lot to work on. 

OLD BUSINESS:  Leslie Elmblad was present, he explained that the Kallio fund is in good shape.  The fund is donating $1,500.00 to the township towards the spring clean-up.  He also is concerned with all the stumps at the cemetery.  The Kallio fund would be interested in paying half to hire Tikky’s Tree Service for the removal of 63 or so stumps and 2 tree removals.  The estimated cost would be $3,900.00.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Janda to approve splitting the bill for the removal of the stumps and trees at the cemetery.  All in favor, motion passed.   Leslie Elmblad would like to look into topsoil for the cemetery soon also.

– After discussion, the Township board is going to resend on paying the ORV program $3,000.00 as for now. Marinich motioned, seconded by Janda.  All in favor, motion passed.  The board agreed to have Wahmhoff submit a bill to the township for time he spent on behalf of Arvon Township.

-Concerns of the large rocks that were moved at Point Abbaye, people are driving right to the point now.  Baraga County was dong a project there, they may be putting them back when they are complete.

-Concerns of what Arvon Township is going to do about the dust control on the roads.  There is nothing in place as of now, it costs approximately $14.00 a bag for chloride that will take care of approximately 30 ft.  This will be discussed next spring.  Possibly a 50/50 split between the resident and the township.  

NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Grant was present at the meeting with concerns with people that are living on Karcshney Rd.  He lives close to them, doesn’t feel safe.  Sheriff Brogan was at the meeting, let him know that the sheriff’s department did get out there, they claim it was an accident. 

-Eliason motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve hiring Rukkila to do the townships F-65 annual form.  All in favor, motion passed.



TREASURER’S REPORT: Eliason gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$309,180.55 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$38,624.95 Fire Fund-$224,040.07 Liquor Fund-$480.16, Road Fund-$70,271.81. Janda motioned, seconded by Wamhofff to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Eliason motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.

NEXT MEETING DATE:   Due to the Labor Day holiday, the next meeting date will be September 13, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Marinich motioned, seconded by Eliason to adjourn at 6:50 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes July 2021

Picture of Flower


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on July 5, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the June 7, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL: Fish requests “Point Abbaye” and “Dust Control” under “Old Business”, Marinich requests “UPSET” under “Old Business”.   With the additions to the agenda, Larson motioned, seconded by Marinich to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Linnea Barron let the Board know that the Planning Commission will be holding a special meeting July 15, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. To 8:30 p.m.  Land Use Plan -vision for Arvon Township.  Jason McCarthy will be attending the meeting.  Barron also let the board know that they will be holding their annual meeting on July 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. 

-Marinich Sworn in Nancy Strohschein as a member of the Planning Commission on July 15, 2021.

-The land on the end of Sawmill Road has been notified to Ken Anderson.  Complaints have been made about.

OLD BUSINESS:  The cemetery will be tabled until next month’s meeting.

-A special meeting was held on June 30th about the ORV trailing in Arvon Township.  Not many showed for the meeting so the Board asked the Planning Commission board if they would bring this issue up at their special meeting thinking there would be more attending.  This will be tabled until next month’s meeting. 

-Fish has been getting complaints about people driving their vehicles out to the end of the Point Abbaye.  They are wondering why the large rocks were pushed aside allowing this to happen.  Fish will contact the Baraga Co. Road Commission and Wendy Goodreau about this issue.  Table until next month’s meeting.

-A few residents attended the meeting concerned if the township is going to do anything about the dust control.   Fish will contact the Baraga Co. Road Commission to see what can be done.  Table until next month’s meeting.

-UPSET is seeking funding to assist with operating expenses which greatly enhance investigative efforts in our community.  The township contributed $1,000.00 in the past.  Larson Motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve a $1,000.00 contribution to UPSET.  All in favor, motion passed.

NEW BUSINESS:  Bay Ambulance is requesting additional funding.   They are desperately in need of replacing ambulances.  Marinich let the board know that there would be $15,000.00 available to contribute.  There would be enough in the Amb/EMT fund to pay all the monthly bills for the fiscal year after contributing the $15,000.00 to Bay Ambulance.  Larson motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the $15,000.00 to Bay Ambulance to put towards a new ambulance.  All in favor, motion passed. 

-MTA strongly suggests the township should approve a Principles of Governance. This is to maintain the highest standard and traditions of Michigan townships.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to approve a Principles of Governance.  All in favor, motion passed.  

JAMES FEDIE:  Fedie let the board know that the Board of Review will be meeting on July 21, 2021.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Larson gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$321,138.77 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$38,624.95 Fire Fund-$224,733.45 Liquor Fund-$524.82, Road Fund-$70,385.21. Marinich motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Larson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.

NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be August 2, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to adjourn at 6:50 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes June 2021


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on June 7, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the May 3, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL: Larson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Dean Witz quoted a rough estimate of $2,500.00 to put top soil over the new septic.  Larson motioned, seconded by Marinich to approve the top soil.  All in favor, motion passed.

-Kay Erickson let the board know that she made all the corrections to the township website.

-Linnea Barron let the board know that Jason McCarthy wants to get started on the township’s Master Plan.   The Planning Commission will schedule a public meeting for July.


NEW BUSINESS:  The cemetery will be tabled until next month’s meeting.

-Fish attended the Baraga Co. Trail Authority meeting.  In his opinion the trail through Arvon township would help find ORV’s that are stranded, but yet the cons in his mind is that if the ORV’s will respect our land in Arvon Township.  He said that the DNR wants to work with the communities.

There would also be an extra tag to be purchased if you use these trails.  The Baraga Co. Trail Authority is asking Arvon Township for $3,000.00 for this ORV program.  Marinich and Larson would like to have a special meeting on this matter before making any motions.  The special meeting will be June 30, 2021 at 6:30 pm at the Skanee Township hall.                         

JAMES FEDIE:  Fedie let the board know that he is doing field work now.  He’ll be helping Larson with sending out the 2021 summer taxes and that he will help Fish with the L4029 Form.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Larson gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$324,422.43 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$38,624.95 Fire Fund-$226,133.27 Liquor Fund-$569.48, Road Fund-$66,746.22. Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Larson motioned, seconded by Janda to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed. 

NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be July 5, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Marinich to adjourn at 6:50 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes May 2021

Skanee Townhall


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Jay Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on May 3, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Fish-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Robert Janda-Trustee , Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Marinich will correct the Minutes header from May 3, 2021 to April 5, 2021.  With the April 5, 2021 minutes correction, Larson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the April 5, 2021 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL:  Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Lyle Olsen presented himself as the new Commissioner of District 4.  He let the board know if there are ever any concerns, he would be there to try and find the answer. 

-A meeting will be held on May 6, 2021 at the L’Anse Tourist Center at 6:00 p.m. for public comments on ORV trails.  Wahmhoff is working with the GPS and drones.  This will be tabled until next month’s meeting.

-Public wanted to know about the branding funds we donated to L’Anse.

-Linnea Barron let the board know that the Planning Commission is in need of members.  She would like to see a 7 member board.  Loman has been absent for a few meetings, but would still like to stay on the board.  Marinich will put an ad in the paper for 2 members vacancy.   

-Gabe asked who was on the Board of Appeals.  Pam Nankervis, Kay Erickson, Jerry Hollon, Jay Fish and Jay Loman.

-Joanne Erickson asked if it was fine to start the new fire hall project.  The board said it was already approved, so Whitman Construction can start the bathrooms and stairs.

-Ken Anderson let the board know that the Board of Appeals will have to hold a public meeting the later part of June.  The Elmblad Brothers will site prep this year and they will build next year a RV and boat storage unit 40 X 60 and a 40 X 80 storage units building.  They will need to get a special use permit, advertise and letters sent out the adjoining land owners.  

OLD BUSINESS:  Royal Lawn Care’s bid of $3,000.00 was the only bid for the Skanee Cemetery clean up.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to approve Royal Lawn care.  All in favor, motion passed.

-ORV program will be tabled until Wahmhoff and Fish attend the ORV meeting in L’Anse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEW BUSINESS: Larson motioned, second by Wahmhoff to approve the Township insurance renewal.  All in favor, motion passed. 

JAMES FEDIE:  Fedie let the board know that the Keweenaw Land Trust attended the Board of Review in March.   There were 13 Veterans exemptions in Arvon Township.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Larson gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$301,823.03 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$38,208.32 Fire Fund-$232,139.02 Liquor Fund-$614.14, Road Fund-$63,995.75. Marinich motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.                                                                                                                                                                        

NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be June 7, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to adjourn at 6:45 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes April 2021


CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Fish called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Arvon Township Fire Hall on April 5, 2021.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT:  Jay Fish-Supervisor, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Chris Wahmhoff-Trustee, Robert Janda-Trustee/absent.

MINUTES APPROVAL:  Larson motioned, seconded by Marinich to approve the November 2, 2020 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL:  Fish requests “New Cemetery” under “New Business”.  With the addition, Larson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the agenda.  All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:   Mary DeLine called Marinich to let the board know that she is resigning from the Planning Commission position as of April 5, 2021.  Marinich said that nobody has applied for the Planning Commission position.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to keep the Commission as 5 members for now.  All in favor, motion passed.

-Jason McCarthy would like to move forward with the Master Plan in May, with public meetings and comments. 

-Bette Gabe asked if the Township paid any money towards the ORV trail program.  We have not.  Wahmhoff will have more information on this issue at next month’s meeting.  Gabe would like more discussion on this issue also.

-Joe Brogan presented himself at the meeting as the newly elected Sheriff.  He would like to maintain a working relationship the all the small townships and to come out to meetings at random.  The board welcomed it.


NEW BUSINESS:  Fish met with Mike Bianco to discuss measurements that the L’Anse Evergreen Cemetery has for plots.  A full lot 10X16 (4 graves) $300.00.  This will be tabled until next month’s meeting when Fish gets more information on it. 



TREASURER’S REPORT:  Larson gave the Treasurer’s report.  General Fund-$303,860.42, Ambulance/EMT Fund-$38,208.32, Fire Fund-$232,276.03, Liquor Fund-$614.14, Road Fund-$60,995.75.  Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Marinich to approve the Treasurer’s report.  All in favor, motion passed. 

BILL APPROVAL:  With the addition to the APEX $235.00 bill, Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the bills.  All in favor, motion passed. 

NEXT MEETING DATE:  The next meeting date will be May 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall.

ADJOURN:  Larson motioned, seconded by Marinich to adjourn at 6:30 p.m.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes August 2020

Skanee Townhall


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor James Soli called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on August 3, 2020.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Soli-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Keith Erickson-Trustee, Chris Walmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Erickson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the July 6, 2020 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL:  Erickson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the agenda.   All in favor, motion passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT:   Gabe let the board know that the Planning Commission will be holding a public meeting August 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.  McCarthy won’t be able to finish the Master Plan until their in public input from the community.  Due to the Covid 19, the Master Plan may not be complete until 2021. 

OLD BUSINESS:  Marinich wanted to let the board know that she will be sending out the UPSET contribution of $1,000.00.

-After discussion, since Penokie started with the electrical in the new fire hall, Marinich motioned, seconded by Larson to approve Penokie to install an on demand generator at the new fire hall.  All in favor, motion was passed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NEW BUSINESS: Wahmhoff approved, seconded by Erickson to approve Joanne Erickson, Shirley Soli, Sharon Ollila for election inspector’s and Jenny Janda as the Chairperson for the August 4, 2020 election.  All in favor, motion passed.



TREASURER’S REPORT: Larson gave the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  General Fund-$255,836.88 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$32,669.59 Fire Fund-$183,678.18 Liquor Fund-$490.28, Road Fund-$16,777.43. Erickson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL:  Erickson motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.                                                                                                                           

NEXT MEETING DATE:   Due to the Labor Day Holiday, the board will hold their meeting on September 1, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Erickson to adjourn at 6:15 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk

Township Board Meeting Minutes July 2020

Skanee Townhall


CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor James Soli called the Regular Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Arvon Township fire hall on July 6, 2020.          

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Soli-Supervisor, Krystal Larson-Treasurer, Lisa Marinich-Clerk, Keith Erickson-Trustee, Chris Wahmhoff-Trustee.

MINUTES APPROVAL: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the June 1, 2020 minutes.  All in favor, motion passed.

AGENDA APPROVAL:  Soli let the board know that Brogan will not be attending the meeting.  Erickson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve the agenda without Brogan.  All in favor, motion passed.   

PUBLIC COMMENT:   Jay Fish attended the meeting to let the board know that he will be running for the Supervisor position in Arvon Township as a write-in. 

OLD BUSINESS:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NNEW BUSINESS:  Keith Erickson let the board know that the Skanee Ball field is having tournaments this summer and that the township should rent a porta potty for the summer.  Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Marinich to approve a toilet.  All in favor, motion passed.

-Marinich is in need of a laptop to run the elections.  Erickson motioned, seconded by Wahmhoff to approve a laptop for the clerk.  All in favor, motion passed.

JAMES FEDIE:  The Board of Review will be meeting July 21st at 11:00 A.M.  AMAR conducted an audit on Arvon Township and we passed with flying colors.  We are good for another 5 years Fedie said.


TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s Report was the same as last month,  General Fund-$269,442.55 Ambulance/EMT Fund-$35,436.69 Fire Fund-$186,737.37 Liquor Fund-$534.94, Road Fund-$16,777.43.  Marinich motioned, seconded by Erickson to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  All in favor, motion passed.      

BILL APPROVAL: Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Larson to approve the bills.   All in favor, motion passed.                                                                                                                                             NEXT MEETING DATE:   The next meeting date will be August 3, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. at the Fire hall.

ADJOURN:  Wahmhoff motioned, seconded by Erickson to adjourn at 6:05 P.M.  All in favor, motion passed.

Lisa M. Marinich/Arvon Township Clerk
