Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech, Bob Janda (Board Rep)
Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Appeals Chair)
Donna Preston, Buddy Sweeney (Zoning Admin)
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: Jay Fish, Supervisor
Approval of Agenda: Robert motioned, Donna seconded.
Approval of minutes of June 26, 2024 Work Session meeting: bob motioned, Jay seconded.
I. Chairman comments – PC membership change.
A. PC agrees staying at 7 would be ideal since Donna leaves for the winter, and
other members may be busy at times.
II. Recreation Committee/Plan
A. Nancy asked Lisa to upload Rec Plan at the July board meeting
B. Jay Loman – Any conversation with Scott Lloyd? — Tabled
C. Jason McCarthy – Info sent to Lisa Marinich? — Tabled
III. Ordinance Update
A. Review of final draft from Jason.
- Move all of Article 1202 section 2 letter D into Article 2 (definitions). We feel
it’s best to have all the definitions in one spot. - Found various other things that needed correction. Made the corrections and
sent these to Jason. - We agreed that we want Jason to mention in the public input session about
the change of zoning districts. Also mention the changes to the various
tables. Highlight tables names for tables that had content changed. - Running through the entire ZO took the majority of our meeting.
B. Schedule next steps
C. Final steps for ZO update - Receive final compiled document – Jason to provide after PC review of entire
document before next meeting. Jason will update the table of contents and
make sure all hyperlinks work.
2 - Publication on website – We need to provide at least 30 days access to the
updated version before the public hearing. - Notice in paper (verbiage from Jason) – target 45 days’ notice and include a
summary of major changes in paper. Possibly publish in early July. - Summary of changes – Jason will provide this for the public hearing.
- Print copies for public input session
- Schedule public hearing – Probably in August
- Jason to attend hearing and present to the public.
- Resolutions from Jason
IV. Next meetings
A. August 20th or August 22nd at 6:00pm, Public Input Session
B. Township Board Meeting: Monday, August 5 at 6 PM
C. 2024 quarterly meetings - Thursday, October 10
V. Adjourn
A. Robert motioned, Donna seconded.
B. 7:12pm
From July 2023
1 Definitions (Included in each topic)
2 Seasonal vs Year-Round Dwellings
3 Shipping Containers as Accessory Structures
4 Outdoor Wood Boilers
5 Solar Energy Systems (SES) Residential vs Utility Grade Systems
6 Short-Term Rentals (Vacation, AirBnB, Vrbo)
7 Single & Multiple Family, & Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
8 Minimum Lot/Acreage Sizes (including Farm & Forest)
9 Alternative Designs (Tiny Homes, Domes, Yurts)
10 Zoning Map Adjustments
11 Erosion Control
12 Lighting to Support Dark Skies
13 Signs
14 Gravel Mining
15 Other Mining
16 Fences
17 Blight
18 Sanitary Code for RR Zone
19 Enforcement of Ordinance