Call to Order
Roll Call
Nancy Strohschein (Chair), Joe Bollech (Board of Review), Bob Janda (Board Rep), Robert Lindert (Vice Chair & Secretary), Jay Loman (Board of Review Chair),
Donna Preston – Absent with notice
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Introductions/Guests: 18 in attendance outside of the PC
Approval of Agenda: Bob motioned, Jay seconded
I. Purpose of the meeting
A. Jay discussed this at length with the group.
II. Review of the Recreation Plan
A. Why we have one – Nancy discussed
B. How it was prepared – Nancy discussed
C. What are the proposed projects – Nancy discussed
III. Duties of the Recreation Committee
A. By-Laws – Nancy discussed
B. Meetings – Nancy discussed
C. Public input and direction to Township Board – Nancy discussed
IV. Recreation Committee members
A. Interested persons
- Scott Lloyd
- John DeLine
B. Process for approval
C. Officers
V. Upcoming meetings
A. Planning Commission work sessions - January 31st immediately following the Recreation Committee Open House
- Next meeting TBD
B. Next Township Board Meeting - February 5th at 6pm in the Fire Hall
C. Planning Commission 2024 Quarterly Meetings at 6pm - Wednesday, April 10
- Thursday, July 11
- Thursday, October 10
Adjourn: 7:00pm